This is the license for Eternal Lands. Before playing the game, you have to agree with the stuff written here. I will try to keep it in English, unlike most of the software out there, who use a veeeeeeery hard to understand legal language :D 1. Basically, this software can be freely distributed. That is, if you want to put it on your web site, or on a CD, etc. feel free to do it. However, it would be a good idea to tell me ( if you do that, so I can send you a notification when it will be updated. 2. If you can make money using this software, by letting others play it (say, you own an Internet Cafe), then good for you, we don't require you to pay us, even tho it would be nice if you would :) 3. You are NOT allowed to take our art (2d/3d files), and use it for your own devious purpose, either commercial or not. The only exception is if you want to make some sort of fan website, in which case it is OK to use some of our art on that site. Of course, taking a screenshot and using it for whatever you need is perfectly OK. Just don't use our art for your own game/software. If you really want to do that, then send me an e-mail, with information on where/how/what/why you want to use, and, most likely, we can come to a deal. 4. If you want to [re]distribute this game, you are NOT allowed to modify anything. You can, however, distribute some txt/doc/etc file, with information about you, etc. 5. If something goes bad with this game (ie. it doesn't work on your computer, it crashes your computer, it kills your GF/BF/cat/familly/etc. it is not our fault, and you agree NOT to sue us.) If you kill someone because you played this game, it is also not our fault, but your parents fault! :D No, really, I am tired of seeing on TV how this or that kid killed someone, and s/he justified it like: "I played this or that game, and I thought it would be k3w1 to do it too, in real life". Anyway, this software contains no code that is harmful to your computer. That is, it's not like we put some HDD formatting code, or something. Normally, nothing bad should happen by simply running this software. 6. This license might change in the future, and if/when it will change, you have to agree with the new license. 7. Altho this version of the software sends no information about your computer, future versions might send some information about your computer to the server. Don't worry, we won't send any sensitive information, such as passwords, installed software, your CC number, etc. It will send only some hardware information, like your video board model/memory, the OpenGL version number and supported extensions, and maybe your RAM/CPU/OS info. Those information will be used only to help us improve the game, and they won't be sold to 3rd parties, nor will they be made public. 8. People usually do NOT read licenses, so I am going to do a little experiment here. By default, the server address, in the el.ini is left pointing to a local address, in the LAN. Address we use for our internal testing. Of course, unless you have the server running on that address, in your LAN (which is VERY unlikely), the game won't work. So, in order to make it work, edit el.ini and change this line: #server_address = to #server_address = If that line is already #server_address = then don't modify it (it's done to make the transition to the new server easy) If you submit a bug report about the game not working, and I will tell you to read the license, then you will, automagically, have a black ball. Which is bad. Basically, think of it this way: If I would have said something like: "By running this software, all your file are belong to us, then we will delete every file on your computer, and trash your BIOS", and you wouldn't have read it, you wouldn't have been able to do anything legal about it. And yes, we are aware that we will lose some players because of this thing, but I don't care about players who can't read a license. 9. This software, and the web page doesn't store the login information in an encrypted way. Also, the login information should be regarded as non secure. That is, do NOT use any already existing password, like, say, your e-mail, ICQ, bank account, etc. password. If we get hacked, and/or if someone intercepts your password, we have no fault. I mean, ok, we do have a morale fault, but no legal fault, so you can't sue us. I stress again on this: DO NOT USE ANY ALREADY EXISTING PASSWORD WHEN YOU REGISTER TO THIS GAME, OR THE WEBPAGE. 10. This game is NOT intended to be a cute, fluffy, pink game. That is, we will not enforce a family friendly atmosphere. We also do NOT censor words, so if you are offended by some words, it is a good idea NOT to use this game. If you are a parent, reading this, and you wonder if it is safe for your little, cute, pink, innocent girl, then the answer is: "Maybe, or maybe not". It depends on the way you educated your kid[s]. If they were educated properly, then, most likely, you won't have to worry. If they weren't, then worry! In fact, if they are not educated properly, we highly suggest you to remove this software from your computer, and get some nasty, ugly software that blocks your kids access to 'evil' Internet places. If you are offended by this paragraph, then... oh well, poor you. 11. However, that doesn't mean that we will tollerate people who's sole purpose is to annoy/harass other players. This usually includes constantly flaming other users, swearing at them, impersonating them, and so on. You know very well what's generally acceptable/innaceptable in a community, so don't do bad things or you can get punished. Punishments can be deletion of your account, having your IP address/class, or entire ISP banned from the game, contacting law enforcement agencies, and so on. 12. Scripting/macroing (the action of automating processes such as harvesting) with little or no human intervention is considered cheating, and if you do it, and get caught, you might have your account deleted. 13. If something happenes with your account (some accident, haxx0r, punishment, etc.) we have no obligation to restore it. If such thing does happen, however, we will try our best to fix the problem, but we are only humans, so you agree NOT to sue us, or demand anything from us. 14. If you find bugs, we strongly suggest you not to exploit them, and to report them to us in a private way, if the bug can be used to cheat. Bugs like: "This or that item doesn't look good on this angle" can be publically reported, but bugs like: "If you do this you can crash the server, or if you do that you can (illegally) increase your blah blah attribute" should be reported only via e-mail. If you exploit the bugs, most likely we won't punish you in any way, but we won't exactly like you either. If you do report a bug, tho, you might get some nice things from us, as a reward. 15. If you start/play the game, it means you agreed with all the terms here.