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Android Controls

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I play on both PC and android or I should say I want to. Android, I login, and I have no idea how to control anything. I can move ok, get into menus, etc... I have trouble with dragging items, banking items, mostly inventory issues. I tried for 30 min and couldn't figure out how to deposit stuff in my bank or how to drop items.


Also, is there an option menu in android? It seems when I login to my account, it uses my PC settings to some extent. Like it has the map mod I downloaded installed on my phone (which is very cool).


If there is already a resource link to android controls, I apologize for posting this.

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sadly on the android client its all a bit complicated, to get the keyboard you need to click below the movement arrows, (its invisible spot so i always need to search it when i use it), while moving and so on is click on item then on inventory window or storage window i myself ind it hard to use, thats why i stopped it


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One control missing in the video is the minimap, which in this interface also does not have an icon on the bottom row. Double tap in the upper right to activate it.

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