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EL Chess

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some people have wanted small games that can be played within EL i have noticed. So i thought up this. EL chess, its basically just animated chess except the queen piece is replaced with your character (although still functions as a normal queen piece) and you get attack experience when the queen takes another piece (although when the queen dies, your character doesnt loose anything or go to hell) for example if the queen takes a pawn, your character gets say 500 attack exp, when the queen takes your opponents queen you get 2k attack exp. so basically its a game of chess with a small bonus.


some ppl could argue you could just play chess and get tonnes of exp but thats not the case a game of chess takes between 5 and 30 mins roughly, so over this time you could only earn a few k exp.

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Clever idea ;)


Its the ultimate solution to a fight, no pking but a chess match. You can have a win loss record to havesomething to look forward too.

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A new skill! Chess playing! ;)


Anyway, I'd love to see chess in the game, but I don't understand your idea completely. What do you suggest? Playing against another player, or against the server?


*wonders if ent would implement a chess engine in the server*

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I can see players working together in a game of chess in order to gain the rare attack exp. To prevent some people from going in just for exp purposes maybe no exp should be given out within say ..the first 15 mins or so (or just any decent time limit in which that exp could be gained anyway)? Hopefully any problems will be overcome, as having chess within El would be so so so fantastic.


Great Idea Winders ;)

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I can see players working together in a game of chess in order to gain the rare attack exp


yes there is the potential for this, but its not very much more exp than they can recieve from fighting a monster of similar level to themselves, with the exception that they cannot get items or money this way, plus they would end up with a terrible record of wins/losses

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How do you propose to prevent people from creating characters just to lose with so that other characters have a chance to get the exp? This would be just another form of muling even if they don't use those losers to play themselves.

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I wonder how you where going to implement this anyway....


EDIT: but it would be a very cool thing to have ;)

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ok how about you only get experience from 3 games per hour. that solves the potential for abuse and the people who arent trying to abuse it get exp for about as many games as they would want to play anyway.

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or how about you cant play the same player in the same hour (or more) or, alternatively, you could have it so that if you play a player more than one time in a row, you get less XP each time, but then a person could just have 2 more accounts and take turns.

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LRNR u can just ban the same ips playing each other, thogh thats only a 50% solution....

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LRNR u can just ban the same ips playing each other, thogh thats only a 50% solution....

what if somebody has a dynamically assigned ip (like me) and two people are in the same house and they both feel like playing EL chess w/ each other? They would be pretty unhappy being banned...

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tahts why i said about 50%..friends could play on two computers in the same house, or people could cheat :/

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or how about you cant play the same player in the same hour (or more) or, alternatively


yes but what it you want a tournament - best of three, with someone. thats how i play usually. exp for only 3 games an hour (not 3 games per opponent, but 3 games total) will satisfy most of those not just trying for exp.

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Hmm... Say you start out with a rating based on your record. 0-0 gets the start amount of exp. Say 500. so if a 0-0 beats a 0-0 then that person gets 500 exp. (the actually exp is irrelevant right now). But of a 0-0 beats a 0-1 then he only gets 450 exp. and if a 1-0 beats a 0-1 then he only gets 400 exp. Yet if that 0-1 beats the 1-0 then he only gets 500 exp. That way someone cant lose like 20 games then win all that expirence off of one game. Just make the starting amount the max amount. So even if you created 10 mules. Eventually you would only get a small ammount of exp. Say a 10-0 beat a 0-0 he only gets 100 exp. (The exp ammount and the scale should probably be modified to function right.)

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Oh yeah. Forgot! Well you could still scale the exp gained by the record like that. I dunno though, probably wouldnt work. I doubt a 10-0 would want to play a 0-0 then.. Probably best just to ignore my idea all together.

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The whole chess idea sounds both fun and good, but remove the

xp-thing, there should be enough fun as it is.

If 2 ppl play, others should be allowed to 'log-in' as spectators.

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the exp isnt really important, it was just intended as a way for EL to make the game its own, it would be a nice little bonus though. but the queen should definately be replaced with your character.

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the queen?


Maybe this is a different kind of chess, but doesn't the game continue until the king is PKed ? :)


So what happens when the opponent PKs the queen? the game stops?? Almost all chess games end with the queens off the board...

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Maybe this is a different kind of chess, but doesn't the game continue until the king is PKed ?


the king is a figure head, he has no real power. if you want to win the game you take the queen, once the power has been removed the king falls.


if the queen is taken from EL chess the game would still go on as any normal game of chess. replacing the queen with your character is just for aesthetic value, its still just a queen. i figure make the queen your character so you can see it actually kill some stuff rather than just run away from attackers as the king has to do.

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i really LOVE this idea! :) it would be great to first make this game and then check how it works.. if people are getting alot more exp than they should have, make some more restriction..

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OK, I understand that you *really* want the XP-thing in there Winfieldblue.


With the 'queen' as the king in normal chess, we get a nice EL-twist to the game, and the xp-gain could probably be like an avarage xp-gain from a 'normal' PK?

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With the 'queen' as the king in normal chess


no, go back and read again, the queen doesnt take the place of the king. to win one still needs to take the king, and you dont loose if the queen is taken, you just dont get to see your character on the board and since your character isnt on the board to take anything you cant get any exp. its still the rules of chess, i boldified that because it seems a common misconception on this subject

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i been thinking about the visuals of it also, if its possible to scale the images to fit on the screen and match the hight of normal chess peices: then the pawns could be small crouching gargoyles. the rookes could be male orcs, the knights could be trolls, the bishops could be ogres and the kings could be cyclops.


this would take a lot of work im sure, but a lot of people have wanted a little something extra to do in the game that isnt just lvling all the time. its sad how many players we miss now because they got bored of just leveling all the time.


i figure there two ways the game initiation can be done: an icon like the trade window allowing the game to be played anywhere; or fixed tabbles in pubs and various houses scattered through the maps.

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