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#Def purge

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Before starting to add new features for 1.10 (or 2.0?) I think a #define purge is in order.


This is the #def list for the 1.9.0 release:


FEATURES += ATTACHED_ACTORS				 # allows to have 2 actors that are attached together, one of the actor will exist only on client side (needs server support)
FEATURES += CLUSTER_INSIDES				 # Group objects into separate clusters for clipping on inside maps
FEATURES += CONTEXT_MENUS				   # Enable context menus
FEATURES += CUSTOM_LOOK					 # allows you to customize your look.
FEATURES += CUSTOM_UPDATE				   # allows autoupdating of custom look information
FEATURES += FUZZY_PATHS					 # Makes Tab Map walking not always follow exaclty the same path
FEATURES += MINIMAP2						# Disables the rectangular minimap and enables the rotating minimap
FEATURES += NEW_CAMERA_MOTION			   # Changes the behaviour of the camera by replacing the rotation duration by a constant deceleration. This gives a better control on the positionning of the camera.
FEATURES += NEW_SELECTION				   # Enables new selection system. Needs OpenGL 1.3 or GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
FEATURES += NEW_SOUND					   # Enables extended sound effects system
FEATURES += NEW_TEX						 # use new texture coordinates for enhanced actors
FEATURES += NEW_WEATHER					 # new weather effects
FEATURES += PNG_SCREENSHOT				  # make screenshots in W3C's PNG format in game, requires libpng
FEATURES += SKY_FPV						 # Use skybox with clouds/stars/etc, enable first person view, and other misc changes from Emajekral
FEATURES += TEXT_ALIASES					# Text aliases
FEATURES += USE_INLINE					  # enable some optimizations to use inline functions instead of pure function calls
FEATURES += USE_SHADER					  # Using shaders for water rendering. Needs NEW_FILE_IO
FEATURES += VARIABLE_SPEED				  # allow to change the moving speed of actors (needs server support)
FEATURES += ZLIB							# Enables being able to read gzip compressed files, requires -lzlib/-lz

FEATURES += EMOTES						  # Support for additional animations parsed from local text with a seperate anim que
FEATURES += USER_MENUS					  # enable user command menus, requires CONTEXT_MENUS
FEATURES += BANDWIDTH_SAVINGS				# enable bandwidth saving changes for message protocol
FEATURES += ITEM_UID						# Enable unique image id values from server
FEATURES += NEW_QUESTLOG					# Enable the new questlog, rewritten with new features


I think at least the following can be removed:


FEATURES += CONTEXT_MENUS				   # Enable context menus
FEATURES += MINIMAP2						# Disables the rectangular minimap and enables the rotating minimap
FEATURES += NEW_CAMERA_MOTION			   # Changes the behaviour of the camera by replacing the rotation duration by a constant deceleration. This 
FEATURES += NEW_SELECTION				   # Enables new selection system. Needs OpenGL 1.3 or GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
FEATURES += NEW_SOUND					   # Enables extended sound effects system
FEATURES += NEW_TEX						 # use new texture coordinates for enhanced actors
FEATURES += NEW_WEATHER					 # new weather effects
FEATURES += PNG_SCREENSHOT				  # make screenshots in W3C's PNG format in game, requires libpng
FEATURES += SKY_FPV						 # Use skybox with clouds/stars/etc, enable first person view, and other misc changes from Emajekral
FEATURES += TEXT_ALIASES					# Text aliases
FEATURES += EMOTES						  # Support for additional animations parsed from local text with a seperate anim que


is it ok? should we add some more #def to the purge list? how do we split #def purging between mods?


Post here :)

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is it ok? should we add some more #def to the purge list? how do we split #def purging between mods?

As discussed with Fedora earlier, this sounds like a good idea to me too. Also on the list will be OLD_MISC_OBJ_DIR as I assume we're not going back to the old textures and file structure. What do you mean by "how do we split #def purging between mods?"?

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I'm working on horse fighting/ranging so I purged ATTACHED_ACTORS. Hopefully without messing up the cvs :)

Edited by Fedora

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NEW_SOUND should be left in as it provides the option to completely disable all sound code in the client, which in theory should reduce the memory footprint and speed up the client (although only slightly afaik). There are still people choosing to compile with this option disabled.


However, I think it should at least be renamed as (iirc) all the original sound code has now been stripped out and 2? years later, it certainly isn't new any more.

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