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Crafting god, make it 20% xp-bonus too

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Hi there,


I want to make a suggestion regarding the current status of Zarin, the craft goddess.

All gods that are in game now, give a 20% xp-bonus in their skill with the exception

of Zarin. As I understand, Zarin was conceived earlier to be a god in another skill

and would be overpowered back then. But now she simply is a god in another

noncombat skill.


My suggestion is to simply add the last quest for her, so that the crafters gain the

same benefit from their god like manuers, potters etc.


I did a quick search if this has been suggested before, but couln't dig up any recent

posts. If there are some, feel happy to flame me


Regards, Raistlin

Edited by Raistlin

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I agree with the suggestion completely, but i would like to point something: Zarin's ques's are cheap when compared to other "non-combat" gods, so the "last" quest for you to get the 20% bonus should be pricey to balance the things out.

Edited by Lorck

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crafting god gives a +10 blessing. Compare this to the manufacture god, which goes to 20%, but only offers +8 blessing.


This is maybe an intentional trade-off. A little bit of variation here makes choosing a god more interesting.

Edited by boognish

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one of the att/def gods gives +15 blessing, and they can go to 20%, so your comment is void.
Def bless is +10, i also heard that the bless of engineering god is only +5. Different skills, different blessings, all giving 20% exp, i can't see why they crafting god is the only one who gives only 16% of bonus exp. Edited by Lorck

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Yes, this would be great - add the last quest for 20% bonus please :)

But I bet it would be something horrible expensive - but still, give it a go

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I would love to see a last quest added for Zarin to bring this god inline with the other gods.




Note: I haven't chosen Zarin because of this imbalance.

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