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The Myspace kid

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On the topic of "normal sibling teasing" I would venture a guess that those who thought this level of teasing was "normal" are older siblings themselves :bangwall: I have an older brother who teased me mercilessly (still does but we dont talk much anymore) to the point where I probably yelled at him at the same volume, if not using the same vocabulary. It really hurts when the person you look up to most in the world doesnt understand you, or what's important to you, or when they humiliate you just for the fun of it.


edit: spelling

Edited by Wingalings

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It is very sad, but also true, that there are many children who suffer abuse at the hands of older siblings and sometimes even parents. Now and then we hear a news story about some young person who has committed suicide over psychological abuse suffered at the hands (on the keyboard) of other people.


When people think this sort of thing is funny it shows a cruelty and lack of compassion that is appalling. The older kids are psychologically torturing the young boy. Were they doing the same thing on a physical level they would be jailed for it.


It isn't funny. Period.

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when i was younger you could do something stupid and make mistakes (was called 'part of growing up' back then) and not have it follow you for the rest of your life...

now there is youtube

isn't modern technology wonderful :)

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That is the most stressed out kid I've ever seen and I think he's got terrets,

"There there"


Although everyone is saying how distasteful this is, I did find myself giggling :(


People are too deeply into this, don't take it to heart.


See someone flip-it and laugh :D

Edited by Zenial

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Yeah, pushing people to the edge is indeed *very* funny.. :dry:


I read this thread just yesterday, and happened to see the movie Ben X yesterday evening. (Belgium/the Netherlands, language: Dutch)

The plot summary on IMDb and on the official movie site made me think the main subject of the movie is the messing up of real life and virtual life.

However, the mmorpg is "just" the setting of the movie, it's his escape from the harshness of real life, and although he acts in stress (and other) situations as if he is his level 80 character (and this is visualized as such), the real subject is: getting pushed too far (and with his autism he is a very easy target) -- suicide far.

As the mother puts it in the beginning of the movie: there always have to be deadly victims first, before people open their eyes and measures are being taken.

Although the story is getting absurd at some point, in the end things get clear and in retrospect less absurd.

An impressive movie, based on true events...

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