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Is there a way to set the graphic whiteout running EL

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I have a Problem :

I run el on a very weak PC

(using a old GForce 4)


I know that EL works if use the lowest graphic settings, but after a new installation EL starts whit a medium Setting and I have a 1 FPS photo show and can't even open the Option Menu to set the garlic to the lowest settings (Last time I neat over 10 minutes)


Is there a way to set the graphic whiteout running EL ? Maybe by editing a file ?

Special the eye candy and the fancy smoke option makes problems.


(Für den Fall das jemand mein Deutsch eher versteht als mein Englisch:

Ich hab ne ziemliche Gurke als Rechner und such nach einem weg die Grafik zu verändern ohne EL starten zu müssen da ich sonst an die 10 minuten brauch um überhaupt in die Optionen zu kommen. Auf minimum Grafik läuft EL. recht flüssig und stabiel das hatte ich schon ausprobiert)

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Before you start, copy el.ini to a safe location for later recovery.

in your EL folder, edit el.ini.

video modes:
1 = 640x480   16bpp
2 = 640x480   32bpp
3 = 800x600   16bpp
4 = 800x600   32bpp
5 = 1024x768  16bpp
6 = 1024x768  32bpp
7 = 1152x864  16bpp
8 = 1152x864  32bpp
9 = 1280x1024  16bpp
10 = 1280x1024  32bpp
full screen can be 0 (windowed) or 1 (full screen)
if it is windowed, it will use the desktop BPP
#video_mode= 6
#full_screen = 0

Changes the video mode (1024x768, 32bpp would be #video_mode= 6)

If you REALLY have a VERY poor machine, try to set the next variable on 1
You will notice a drastical drop in quality (no reflections, no clouds shadows, and the texture
filtering is set to  NEAREST), but you might get a performance increase.
It is highly discouraged to turn it on, tho.

#poor_man = 0

Try changing #poor_man = 1

#use_eye_candy= 1

To disable eye candy, change this to = 0

#special_effects= 1

Try changing this to 0.


There are other options in there, but that should get you started.


I have a system that runs on a geforce4 (pentium 850, 512MB, geforce4-440mx 128MB iirc) and it runs EL just fine. Get the new drivers from nvidia:


Product type: Legacy

Product series: Select your graphics card (at a guess, geforce4mx)

Choose your OS and language and click on the search button. Download and install the unified driver and enjoy the eye candy :P

Edited by LabRat

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Product type: Legacy

Product series: Select your graphics card (at a guess, geforce4mx)

I have a Nvidia GF4 MX 440 card (chip NV17).

And I have been using legacy drivers for a long time. But lately I have tried the normal driver (version 1.0.8776). You know what? It works. And even slightly better than legacy drivers. I have a few FPS more than on legacy drivers!





Edited by Chryzopraz

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I run el on a very weak PC

(using a old GForce 4)

As the others have said EL will run happily on a "weak" PC (think 10 years old) and the Geforce 4 with correct drivers (not the default Microsoft ones) will happily give you 20 FPS (dropping to ~10 for big Eye Candy effects).

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