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Whats your favorite map?

Which is your favorite map?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favorite map?

    • Isla Prima
    • White Stone
    • Portland
    • Nordcarn
    • Morcraven Marshlands
    • Desert Pines
    • Valley of The Dwarves
    • Southern Kilaran
    • Kilaran Field
    • Tahraji Desert
    • Ruins of Tirnym
    • Naralik
    • Tarsengaard
    • Grubani Penninsula

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Which is your favorite map? :D



:mean: Dunian :battleaxe:


Edit: Post what you voted

Edited by Dunian

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hmm, voted SKF myself, though I never go there much.


KF, TD, Tirnym - I dislike PK maps, personally, as a weak fighter, I seldom go to a PK map. Honestly, I like Tirnym the best of these three, but there are better maps.


IP - not bad, but... yeah, while it's great for newbies, eventually we all grow. I feel like while IP is nice to visit, I don't want to stay long there.


WS - alright, not too bad a place. The mountains are quite peaceful, and the trees... and not much more than that.


DP - *cough* ah, the dust, the desert sand... it chokes...


PL - dang, it always rains there, but still a rather peaceful city - except for Bob the Gob...


VotD - rain, people, the city in ruins, people, the noise of the swords clashing that barely made it to KF, people... not my place.


NC - not too bad, but... the mountainous terrain kills my boots.


MM - a certain mystery is there... it kind of drowns in the swamp. Ugh, my boots will never be the same.


Naralik - It's so plain, trees, monsters, and rotting hulks of ships. Yeah, that's my kind of place *sarcasm*.


GP - take the worst parts of MM and DP, put them in one place, and add some monsters. Yeah, not my kind of place.


TG - not too bad, one of my favorite spots - quite nice - but not the best place...


So there's SKF left. Great vistas, a nice manor house, quite nice if you can avoid the monsters. :P

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As I've posted before, Tarsengaard is my favourite map - though it may be that the new continent will draw my affections at some point once it's all complete/in place :P

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I like Tarsengaard the best because its nice and quiet. THe magic school is fun and useful, the storage is relativly empty, and the armed gobs scare most ppl away. 2nd would come Tirnym, because the PKness keeps me on my toes when Joker Hunting there :P.

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I think I would go for Portland.


It's an old map

It has the goblin back

It sure brings those cactus harvesting session memories back :P

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out of all these Tarsengaard is my favorite map, but my overall favorite is Idaloran..I just think it was done so well, and the new objs look way better than the old ones :)

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Grubani Penninsula as it's probably where i've wasted the most time :) , found Joker the most often (For my first day in EL, i found joker in grubani and died because of a troll 5 seconds later :D)

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Nordcarn. Is it coincidence that they put sunflowers, blue star flowers, blue lupines, and all three kinds of quartz in one map? And included a tavern as well? I think not!


Potion paradise.

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Tassengarde, It was added last and the magic school is one of my favorite buildings. Though overall I enjoy the Linux Warriors guild map. And the Draegoni caverns in South Irrilon.

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1st place for me - Tarsengard (voted on it)

- romantic trip with Meg to Roanoff Island

- a nice little house in middle of map with double bed, prepared dinner for 2 people, and 'working' candles :-)


2nd place for me - Portland

- cool port :-)

- tavern with nicest rooms in whole EL maps

- also nice house, which i wanted to buy once :-) my first RPG session in EL there ^^


3rd .... hmmm, no 3rd

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1st: White stone, theres Raven and arena.

2nd: Nc, theres storage as well. :P

3nd. And SK maybe as well...cycs there :confused:

4nd. KF, nice to fight/have fun with ppl sometimes ^_^

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Voted Tarsengaard, but actually it's only one part of it - the Magic School - I just love it. Hours of exploring and making notes how to go through both mazes - Congratulations for craetor!

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kf - this is a great place for wars etc, but there are hardly ever any large battles ;/ I think we need to use the forts more :confused:

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