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No, it's just.. science. Don't worry Placid. They should make regenerating pigs pretty soon. :D You'll never have to go to the slaughterhouse again. :)

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No, it's just.. science.  Don't worry Placid.  They should make regenerating pigs pretty soon.  ;)  You'll never have to go to the slaughterhouse again.  :D





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Not too sure SisteMa.. all I know is that the people who have piercings or open body art are really going to hate this. :icon13:

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Scientists have long known that less complex creatures have an impressive ability to regenerate. Many fish and amphibians can regrow internal organs or even whole limbs.



Yes this it true, and depending on the level of regeneration, I don't think this type of research will ever be applied to humans due to the humans rights testing act...but yeah nevermind those poor rats (and soon pigs).

This isn't an environmentalist rant, the article was pitched so that its more readily acceptable by the public...

Notice how the article does not use the words: Genetically Modified. Now would it be a crime if they (The Sunday Times) did include them? I know that it would be acceptable to me, but those anti-GM / animal testers groups / some religious factions would be stirred.

You should read in between the lines - humans regeration of limbs? wtf are you thinking? You'd have to alter genes in embryonic stages OR mutate them sometime in the course of your life. I am thinking that we're 50-100 years before the technology is ready - let alone the public acceptancy.


One thing this article does mean, is that one day, animals would be GMed (Genetically Modified if you didn't already know) to specifically be regenerated for human organs (already done at some level but will be improved)/ human limps or parts (Seen that rat with the ear on its back?) or human consumption.

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I wouldn't be so sure of the timeframe before this is useable.


Vaccines were implemented almost immediately after being discovered, as were antibiotics. Both of these now have GM aspects to them.


What this technology will need to become widespread is a patron. That is all. I doubt very much that it will catch on first in the US, but China has fewer rules governing this type of research and will probably be one of the first to implement it on a larger scale.


I imagine that Europe will have a few countries not too far behind. What this will mean to those of us in North America is that, once again, the wealthy will be able to afford a new technology to extend life and health while the poor are left to rot in the streets.


I wouldn't worry too much about it though as there are several biochemical factors to aging that are not treatable by this method. Plaque build up in blood vessels becomes a problem of mechanics, and seriously compromises health to the heart, lungs and brain. Good luck getting a vascular transplant :lurker: Also, the chemical reactions in the brain mean that VERY few people will live to the triple digits without experiencing rapidly deteriorating dementia of one sort or another.


This technology will be useful, but not a cure all. It will bring the average lifespans up while not significantly affecting the top end. It will also mean a much higher quality of life for those injured or experiencing genetic defects.


One last note on the use of this stuff. Using this technology, it would be possible to extrude a highly nutritious protein substitute for a very cheap price. That would solve a large number of problems relating to hunger, health and quality. The filthy practices that you get in the factory farms and rendering plants would become an embarassing footnote in history.


I get very impatient with people who start screaming out a knee-jerk reaction to this sort of technology on the basis of poorly researched data, paranoia, ignorance and religion. Go back 100 years and the same warnings were being given about the vaccines, antibiotics and even sterilization practices that the Catholic and other churches now use as a matter of course in its hospices around the world.


And as a P.S. the growth is not very fast. It grows just like a normal part of the body would. You could not immediately replace parts damaged in an accident unless they were pre-grown.

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