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About ivanowitch

  • Rank
    White Rabbit

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  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    A little village in the northern Denmark
  1. just some ideas

    treasure chests??? do you miss Joker Vart??? :wink: *Thinks back on why Joker was removed from the game*
  2. armour and weapons breaking

    It is a good idea, but there are some problems: 1) what hjappens when you trade? (ie. player1: WOW! Thats cheap for a serp!!! player2: I'm just a kind person a little later: player1: smegging smeg!!! my serp broke after the first hit!!! >.<!!!!!) 2) according to Ent's posts in some of the other threads suggesting this, the server won't stack items of the same kind unless they have excactly the same stats.
  3. Summoning God final treat

    sounds quite a bit like PokeMon to me...... But it would be cool, i agree on that
  4. Mercenaries

    that is not my point. My point is that your post is basically not a suggestion for the game, but a suggestion for how players could help each other. Not that i don't like the idea, but this is just not the place for it. instead you might consider the following two cases: 1) YOU want a mercerary: post under Buy/Sell or simply ask ingame. 2) this is an idea for other players: post it in general chat.
  5. Mercenaries

    and just what stops them doing that now???????? If the price is right, then you will eventually find someone who would help you.
  6. log file and harvesting

    It works, yes, but it also removes bluemessages. Besides that, it also just puts all the unwanted text into connectionlog.txt instead, so if it is the file size that is the problem, this doesn't solve the problem at all...
  7. ...

    The next day, Ivanowitch woke up as usual, ate some breakfast and went to his magic teachers home for his daily lesson. While he walked there, he noticed a lot of unusual activity in the city, and everyone seemed to be preparing something big. He didn't stop to ask what was going on, but decided to ask his teacher instead, since he was one of the wisest and oldest among the elves. But at the time he reaced his teachers home, he found it empty. At first, this seemed a bit strange, since they always trained magic at this time of the day, but then he decided to look for him at the preparations. He did find him there, and he asked him, what there was going on? His teacher only answered: Dragons! The dragons has finally returned! This filled Ivanowitch with great fear. Were they under attack by dragons? But then he realised, that IF they were under attack, people would probably not look as happy as they did, so his fear dissapeared. An hour later, the dragons appeared, and the crowd was ready to welcome them. Ivanowitch was in the front row, since he had never even heard about creatures like dragons and was therefore wery curious. The dragons landed, and a small group of elves walked forward. Then the leader of the group sent his followers back, and started to talk to the black dragon. Ivanowitch looked at the elf. It was his magic teacher. Elkira and the black dragon, who were called Kayliana spoke a little, and then Elkira asked the same question as Ivanowitch were asking himself, why was the dragons here? ----------------------------------- I guess it's all up to you now Kayliana
  8. quick slot items

    I have both good and bad news for you... the good one is, that you are not the only one that has this opinion, and as far as i know, this (or somethin like it) is already on the todo list somewhere... the bad one is, that some poeple tend to be rather pissed off when someone suggest something that already has been suggested a lot of times earlier, and therefore might start a flame war..... not that i am one of those, but anyway
  9. #ignore command improvements

    just type #ignore harvest The real problem is: "You collected ####", because if you ignore 'you', you also remove useful messages like lvl ups and too far aways, which can be even more annoying that the harvest messgages... Why not change "You collected ####" to simply "Harvest succeded"? 99% of the players already know what they are harvesting and doesn't need to be told every second. The rest can just use the eye icon, or have fun trying to guess what it is also, the #ignore command simply removes all messgages that start with the ignored word, and that can be both player names and other words.
  10. ...

    Ivanowitch went back to the work in the mines, but with a growing restlessnes inside him. He felt that is was time to leave the dwarven life of his, and try to find and develop his elven part. While he worked on his load of gold bars, he made his plan. When he had finished his load, he would pack his belongings and leave the Valley. He would travel to Lakeside first to sell his last load of metal bars, to buy some supplies, and then he would start his journey to Tirnwood Wale, the home of his parents. His dwarven parents were of course wery saddened by those news, but as they told him, they had known that this day would come, and they fully understood that he wanted to live with the elves. He left of the same afternoon so that he could be in Lakeside at the morning and could walk while it was day. He sold his bars, bought some food, and left off. While he walked, he wondered how his new life would be. Of course, he thought to himself, he would learn a lot more magic than the knew now. He was barely able to heal a wound, but had heard stories of elves who were able to move through the lands using magic. The possibility that the elves would not let him in also passed his mind, but he left it again, why should they not? After all, he was born in these woods. He also started to notice much more of the nature than he had ever done before. It was as if his instincts was wakening from a long slumber, and he understood that the animals were there to greet him welcome. It was not only the animals who greeted him welcome. When he entered the town of Tirnwood wale, he saw that the whole town was there to greet him as the lost brother he was. They had even readied a hut for him to live in. How they had known that he would come, he didn't know, but he apriciated it. He soon found out that his parents had been killed under the orc raid, but since he couldn't remember how they were, it didn't really mean so much to him. Instead he used the first week to get to know the other elves in the town, and the elven way of living. Slowly he also started to learn how to use his magic abilities, something that an elf would normally know when he reached his fifteenth year. He found that it wasn't as hard as he thought it to be, and even his teacher was suprised by the speed he learned. One evening while he sat and patched his pretty worn backpac, a dragon statuette suddenly fell out of it. At first, he couldn't remember how he had got it, but then he remembered it. He decided to show it to the elders, but something inside told him to let the matter rest for a bit. It was not yet the time to uncover the mystery of the dragons... ------------------------------- I'm wondering where Grum and Kayliana hide... is it somewhere in Forest of the Fall? I'm also worried by the difference in our travel speeds, I think I travel too fast around.
  11. ...

    heh.... already posted in the story, which is great so far Since my former guild (Genesis) was disbanded today, i would like to join the Dragon council. my stats ( the fighting is pretty crappy :? ) I would be happy if i could be a green dragon... *wonders if there are any yet* If there are no Grand shaman yet, then i will work a bit on my magic, and take that role
  12. Where do you buy vials from ??

    You can get vials from harvey in DP, but he needs quarts. But this is no problem, since he also sells quarts Happy potion making
  13. ...

    WOW a good story I think I'll add another character to the gallery. ------------------------------ Ivanowitch looked up. "Another damned goblin." He was working on a load of gold bars in the gold mine, but he was as always distracted by one of the numerous goblins that lived in the caves. In these situations he really apriciated his combat training, because the goblins might be stupid, but they knew when they couldn't win a fight. Noone really knows what goblins think, but maybe this particular goblin was wondering what this white haired elf did in a gold mine. Ivanowitch asked himself the same question now and then, but at least he knew why. 200 years ago, some female orcs had raided the Tirnwood Wale where the elfs lived, and had brougt him with them back. He was only a year old at that time, and when they reached the Valley Of The Dwarf, he had started to cry. This had made the orcs drop him on the ground, where he was found by a dwarven couple when they walked home from the gold mine. They had taken him in, and raised him as a dwarf. So now, he was one of the best elven alcymists, but sometimes he got restless and wanted to try something new. He just hadn't found out what this new should be. Anyway, his load of gold bars were finished, and he headed for the harbor. If he was lucky, he could get to Lakeside Village to sell his gold bars before nightfall. Then he would sleep at the inn and head home the next morning. One thing He knew he would never understand, was why no merchants came to the Valley to buy the gold bars, instead of making him travel all the way to Lakeside. He was unlucky. As he sailed he saw the sunset, and at the time he reached Lakeside, it was dark night. This made him feel a little uncomfortable, because Gargoyles was rumored to roam these lands at nighttime. He didn't encounter any gargoyles, but surely there had been one, because there on the road was a corpse. Normally, Ivanowitch wouldn't loot corpses, but he had a strange feeling about this corpse, and before he knew of it, he had found a silver dragon statuette, and left one of his gold bars as payment for the dead. He reached the black smith where he sold the rest of his gold bars, and then he went to the Inn where he got the gold coins the blacksmith has paid him changed into platinum coins before he went to bed. The next day he went home, and he had completly forgotten the dragon statuette... ---------------------------------- another elf to the collection I'm not a member of the Dragon Council, i just wanted to participate in this great story
  14. 1: relax!! 2: to make the formatting tags work, you have to put the text you want formatted between the start and the end tag. Also, you don't need to make a "reset" tag (or whatever purpose the "" was inteded for), since this is the purpose of the end tag.
  15. Instead of it telling people to talk to Raven, then maybe tell people to read the rules on the forum ( add the web-adress and mention the F2 button) Or maybe make it do both...