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Everything posted by Creedka

  1. Polska - Poland

    czyzby i Ciebie to kusilo? pan Cornell tez przyjedzie na te impreze <3
  2. Polska - Poland

    Urlih na dwa fronty działa aby więcej postów nabić. Etam, w niepolskich tematach jest fajniej. zbanowac go z tego tematu, plx plx plx :>
  3. Polska - Poland

  4. toadstool posion competition

    You cannot eat them but still may get poisoned... We learned that after a loooong time of waiting If not that, the contest wouldn't have finished at all, he didn't want to die!
  5. DarK_AnGei's ShoP

    I'll take this if the price is 2gc each.
  6. Blee's Harvesting Empire

    2k of silver ore, 1,5k of coal, emeralds and sapphires please.
  7. Blee's Harvesting Empire

    2k of silver and gold ore. Also 1,5k of coal, emeralds and sapphires. Thanks.
  8. Guys, guys guys....

    Actually, I can't. I've been playing EL for about 2,5 years now (all the time using a female char of course) and throughout all that time only one example of a stupid Polish kid saying I had a nice butt happened. Everyone that knows me just a little is aware of the fact that they can't tell me such things. I don't use such language to anyone and demand the same. And really, there is #ignore for a reason. If you can't make them stop, just use it. Banning them won't change anything in my opinion, they can always come as different people with different IPs, tell you some curses on PMs and log off.
  9. Polska - Poland

    no nie macie na co jezdzic chyba... jakby mi ktos dal bilety na rhcp to moge sprezentowac chetnemu. wlacze sobie myslovitz, a efekt bedzie taki sam: nuuuda, wszystko na jedno kopyto. no, tylko ze Rojek spiewac potrafi >< tyle fajnych koncertow sie w tym roku szykuje, z Blackfield na poczatku, poprzez PJ, a na tegorocznym Open-er'ze konczac. kase juz odkladam^^
  10. Polska - Poland

    to tylko teoria, tak na prawde to glownym spamerem jest Ansh.
  11. Polska - Poland

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYqA83sitz8 PS: NO TO WINDOWS! KOPACing Form, kopacing:)
  12. Polska - Poland

    mowisz o tym scholars, po 10minutach ktorego sie wylogowalam?
  13. Polska - Poland

    sie zgodze z Reni, granie o porankach jest najlepsze, glownie ze wzgledu na mala ilosc osob trujacych mi du.. erm... przeszkadzajacych mi. granie po nocach = zbytni sentymentalizm dla mnie, zawsze sie w jakis chory nastroj wpakuje przed snem.
  14. OwNz looking for members

    ok hades scammed i no that dont take that out on my guild kk? i am giveing hades a sec chance u dont have to make it seem like he is such a evil person... [sarcasm]because he isn't! he said sorry and gave back the money, didn't you know that?![/sarcasm]
  15. Polska - Poland

    to ja poprosze szarlotke i Blooda, jak juz babki marchewkowej nie ma. tylko prosze sie upewnic, ze sa na osobnych talerzach, bo podobno szarlotka z rodzynkami to profanacja:)
  16. Polska - Poland

    ts ts ts...ale to Szarlo jest Nalesnikozerna, nie ja:>
  17. Polska - Poland

    Szarlo, nie marudz... szarlotki z rodzynkami tez sa dobre, w koncu to szarlotki PS. to gdzie mam sie zglosic po moja babke marchewkowa?
  18. Polska - Poland

    yay\o/ to ja poprosze kilka. a sa marchewkowe?:>
  19. teleport bags

    I don't like this idea (even though I'm a serious crafter). That would just leave people with going to a cave with 50 rings, staying there for a day or more and sending back the materials to storage... Pretty boring, no people met on the way to/from and at the storage, less interaction... and definitely too easy. Just my opinion
  20. Polska - Poland

    czy to konieczne? O_o
  21. Polska - Poland

    muahahaa, brein pwnd!
  22. Polska - Poland

    kiepsko mu idzie jak na razie, Nitus jest do rany przyloz^^ Cree.
  23. Polska - Poland

    mam deja vu, ktos mi takiego smsa wyslal:> co nie zmienia faktu, ze TAK dobrze mogl tylko Nuno wygladac. Szkoda tylko, ze tak pozno sie skapnal, ze przydalo by sie jeszcze jakas bramke strzelic... nic to, przedyskutujemy to i next time bedzie lepiej:] Cree.
  24. Did you know?

    because forums = teh game? pr0. iirc Nita posted as the second in this thread, fyi he is in PL:] and yeah, we've been here over 2 years (even before that, but with another tag) and will surely stay 2 or more longer;) Cree.
  25. Polska - Poland

    monotematyczny jestes.