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Everything posted by Kami

  1. The Unicorn

    Perfect. Just Perfect. And the Best place for the Unicorn is in Forest of the Fall (and Maybe Tirnwood.) I'd just hate to see it in any other place. All of the other places are just too "Ugly" for something so Beautiful as a Unicorn is to live. But, if there was ever to be a Black Unicorn.....
  2. Mercury

    And in addition to that, you would need Gloves to protect yourself while you harvest it plus vials to keep it in (a full Vial would be heavier). All that alone will keep players from harvesting it in Mass Quantities.
  3. Anonymity Cloak :D

    «Hentai empowers you.» I like that site! It reads my mind. Anyway, I don't think this game really needs this cloak. Besides, with any luck the games going to be redone as to where we wouldn't need this cloak.
  4. Stick-figure movie

    Actually, I didn't. I lost my connection a good deal into it while I was watching it and I decided not to try again. That's ....... a One time thing. You don't want to put yourself through that twice if you can help it.
  5. Superpower

    Yes which is also why Wolverine has the appotite of ....well, a Wolverine! Actually, a hyper-metabolism will not directly speed up his Aging, which is where you're getting confused. Aging results from your cells continuously waring out and reproducing themselves over time, each time the resulting copy being a poor copy of the last. With a hyper-metabolism, it's true his system is accellerated to the point where his cells are reproducing themselves much faster then normal but it's his other Evolved Systems that keep that in check. Like, His Immune System and his Body's ability to repair itself keep's his body in a nearly perfect state of preservation. He's just basically a Normal Human with all of his Normal Body fuctions evolved to the extreme. Everything else is just bonuses. He may not have the most Amazing or Fantastic Power of all the Marval Characters but he's certainly the best we as Base Humans can hope for! It's Bogus Journey in which they Die (and it's the least better of the two.) Not only do they Beat the Reaper, but they Totally Embaress him too. BTW, they cheated; Proving once again that "You Can Cheat Death If you are only brave (Or stupid) Enough to try!"
  6. Stick-figure movie

    Somebody Must have been really Bored and Had had A lot of Time on their hands!
  7. Superpower

    Minor Detail but technically, Wolverine's Adamantium claws aren't Wolverine's SuperPower, rather just "Tools" he uses and makes him into a Living Weapon. Wolverine's Powers are Hyper-Metabolism, Amplified Senses, and a Superior Evolved Phyical Anatomy. Basicly, everything that he is has been vastly Improved. But his Adamantium Claws and Skeleton were surgically Added to him (something that only he could survive because of his Evolved Form.) They aren't rightly a "Super-Power" any more then Cyclop's Viser, DareDevil's BillyClub (Original) Spiderman's Webshooter or Ironman's Iron Suit. They are even that great, since they hurt like Hell to use, even for Wolverine. He's in constant Pain everyday of his (Vastly Extended) Life. Anyway, Power I'd like to have: The Ability to Negate everyone Else's Power! I don't like the idea of people with too much power. I don't think I'd trust them. But, If not that, I'd go for the Ability to Fly too. I've always dreamt about flying, Literally! I dream More about Flying then I do about Girls (A that's a lot)!
  8. Unicorns

    Simple reason. Most first person Shooting games or Multi-Car Havoc Games (That allow Civi-death) more often then not remove all Responsibility in favor of giving it's players the "Massive Shooting Bonanza" that so many like by either Removing all Civians from the game or by removing all Player-Responsibility of NPC Civi-Deaths. Such games Don't give it's players any more responsibility then is deemed needed and keeping the Stray Secretary out of the Line of Fire or the Odd Pedestrian crossing the street isn't high on the Player's or the Game Makers Priorities. If fact, not having that responsibility is greatly favored by Players as it can be a source of release. Even the few games that still require players to take Civi-Lives into account also have many Cracks and Easter Eggs that allow player's to remove those restrictions if so desired. If you do have a Better Idea, one that'll not only help Balance the Game but could also rudimentarily effect the entire game (as in not having to come up with something new for every part of the game) then by all means we are all ears. But the Problem here is that so much of what's harming the game is also so deeply rooted that to change any of it would require a complete rewriting of the game. The Devs just aren't ready to do that. The Best alternative is to incorporate a Basic underlying system to provide Checks and Balances within the game that would, not only continuously alter the balance to keep it fit but to also keep it fun in the process. The general idea is that such a System Is the Best choice for this, even if it may have certain elements that not everyone likes. That's not entirely true. Granted, People often use Karma as a "Moral Compass" as it were but the true Concept of Karma is that it's the Basic, Underlying Sudo-System (Of unknown Origins and Meaning) that helps to insure a well balanced Universe by counteracting any force (Evil OR Good) that would upset that Balance, which is mostly accepted to insure the continuity of the Universe's survival; and not always just what's "Right or Wrong".(Oddly enough, that's exactly what we're looking for; Abet, in Computer Terms.) But there's more to it then just that. It insures that there's always a counter-Measure to ever action, even if it's not always Immediate or even Apparent. Karma doesn't Dictate Right or Wrong or which way the Compass needle Swings. People do that. Karma only seeks a Balance of all things, Never Favoring either Side. But, What Karma does do is that it "Influences" things around you in order to counteract anything It perceives as Negative, all to try to get that "Needle" to swing back to the Mid-way point. You can call it Luck, if you will Although Luck is not generally accepted as being "Balancing" to the Universe. Back then again, We're not really trying for a "Perfect Karma System" in the game, as that really wouldn't be much fun. First off, this is a Fanasty Game! I personally don't believe in "Inherent Evil" myself but I continue to play this game, although it's portrays Goblins, Orcs, and Trolls as Vile, Evil "Monsters." That's another thing, I don't believe in the Word "Monster." "Monster" means a Creature of Fear Or is otherwise "Unnatural". Humans use that terms far too loosely and Throw it around until it sticks to anything they fear or don't understand. Back when the "Gods" where implemented, Many Players were outraged and took a stand against them on some Moral Grounds; Both the Hardcore Religous as well as Athists. They didn't like the fact the Game had a God System (As though, somehow they'd be violating their convictions by Playing along with Imaginary Gods!) So, that's why the Gods in the game haven't been Expanded and worked on in so long, just so a Few Malcontents don't have to "Interact in anyway with the Followers." But this is a Game. We Pretend! It's not Meant to be taken so seriously. Anyway, The Truth is, "Good" and "Evil" are actually Human Concepts. Humans decide what is "Right" or "Wrong" with anything; that includes one's self! You may or may not Perceive Killing of a Unicorn as An Evil Act. That doesn't mean that others share your view. If you do something that someone else perceives as negative, you'll be treated as such. And if you do something "Good", others who view it that way will treat you as such. This goes for Supernatural Beings as well. But does one's Act (Whether Positive or Negitive) infer to one's True Nature? Not Always. You can not always tell a Good People by the Good Acts he commits nor an Evil person by the Evil acts he commits. Such as, you can very easily be a "Good" person and still commit a Horrible Act! Likewise, you can be a Completely Horrible Person yet still you could easily commit an Act that is perceived as "Good." But does such acts do not necessarily allude to one's true nature. Even today, there are certain people who are Likewise "Good People" doing things that would be interpreted as horrible because they believe that they're doing them in the Name of "Good" while there are others, who are inherently "Evil", also doing "Good" things only to disguise their true agenda. Good People can do bad Things and Bad People can do good things. It's doesn't necessarily mean that they are Good or Bad based on their actions. But what it does mean that if you do something that is Perceived as Good or Evil, you must accept the fact that you will often be perceived as such but those who perceive it to be. But just one act isn't "The Noose" as it were. People will more often then not take into account All prior acts before condemning you to judgment, one way or another, so long as they Know about all of your past acts. Otherwise, you'll be rated on Known Acts only. As far as Karma s concerned, all acts you commit are known and Tallied by the “Systemâ€. If you Commit a Negative Act (as in Negative as perceived by the System) you will receive a "Mark" against you. The Worse the Act is Perceived, the more Marks are put against you. And Karma will always keep Calculating and Recalculating those Marks and will test your "Luck" against them. Of course, in Game Karma will be something much more complex then just "Keeping the Game Balanced." Just Being Hit out of nowhere by a Bolt of Lightning cause you killed that Unicorn a week ago isn't much fun. That's way such an in-game Karma system will also be based more an "Alignment System" as well. For every Positive or Negitive Act you perform, you'll have a Mark Tallied against you. In an Normal Karma system, Negitive Points will be removed as soon as something Negitive happens to you. But in a Alignment-Karma System, It works differently. It does work something like a "Black and White Scale" where every player Starts in the middle of the Scale (representing the fact we all start Nutrual. The for every Positive act we do, we'll receive a Positive Mark moving the scale 1 point closer to white. And every Negitive Act we perform, the Scale will move back 1 point towards black. The more sever the act is, the more points we'll each. And then the futher we are along the scale, the more "good" or "evil" are concidered. One act will never determine whether we are either "Bood" and "Evil." Will take many acts to move the scale in one direction or another. One truely substantial Act might add a good amount of point to your Karma Level, causing it to either Dip severly or Raise Sharply but you'll never be concidered "Good" or "Evil" because of one act. And of course, the Game will then be shaped accordingly. Certain NPCs will treat you differently based on your standing. If you Good, Evil people might not like you much while other Good people will treat you better. And Vice Versa with Evil people. It's no different then in real life frankly. It's just a lot more fun to play then in real life. Never had the Pleasure. I read ....... "Different" Kinds of books.
  9. What's the first thing you do?

    First thing I do: Open my Inventory to try to remember the last thing I was Working on the Night before. Then, I Get to work again, either continuing where I left off or I start something new depending on whether I completed my work already. Sometime after that, I Reconfigure my Setting if I remember to.
  10. Unicorns

    Yes but adversely to that, If you do not Give Players restrictions of What they can and can not do then of course they are going to continue to do what is Easiest and Most Beneficial for themselves, regardless of the Effects that has on the game as a whole. Also, Just penalizing an Action Will Not Discourage player from performing that Action. It will make players Stop and think before they try it again and maybe even take Steps to Prevent or reverse the Penalty, Especially if it's done in an Interesting and Fun way. But more then that, The Player just has to ask himself "Is it Worth it?" And we All Do everyday during the Course of the game. Take for example Harvest Events! Sure, We all Hate them but then again, they aren't exactly devistating to the Fun of the Game either And, Unless a player blindly disregards the consequences of Pushing their Luck, We all Live with them Quite Easily! And this is just about the Only non-Fighting Risks players take in this game. We Don't have enough risks. And a Game that's too easy just isn't really worth the Time and Effort. Actually, that's not Being Responsible. That's just making a Choice of whether or not to make enemies or be a jerk; A choice that's also not really so much Part of the Game either as just taking advantage of yet another Loophole. Besides, as the game is right now, Bagjumping is a ridiculous concept and just an Excuse for Players to use when they loose their Items. The reason that is is because (a) There is nothing you can find in a Dropped Bag that you cannot get yourself of five minutes of Real Effort and ( You can't Bagjump something that does have an Owner. Nothing on the Ground that you are not standing or sitting on is not yours anyway. But, if you want to attribute "Responsibility" to Finding a Bag, Being responsible would be Keeping that bag for the person who dropped it and sending a Message to that person letting them know you have it. That's being responsible as well as a nice person to boot. So.... You basically saying that by Removing All Boundaries, it would cause people to inherently compensate by being more Responsible themselves? Oh, ...... we've had this world all wrong! It's all of our Laws and Justice System that's causing all the Crime and Apathy in this world. In that case, We should throw out our Thousands of Years Understanding of Law and Order in favor of Total Anarchy and we'll just leave the people to sort it all out for themselves. You know, we have Laws and Boundaries in Real Life for a reason. They may not always be "Fun" but it's better then the alternative! After all, one persons "Fun" isn't always the same thing as another's. And the same is true in Games. Let me guess. You're very fond of those Shooting Games where you Run around shooting everybody in Sight, regardless of whether they're the enemy or not, just because you Can and it doesn't really hurt you to do so. I bet to differ! Depth comes, not from being able to do everything but from the choices you make in what you choose to do. It's not the Destination but the Journey that makes it fun. Games, in Principle, Require Limits and Boundaries, not only in order to Limit player Actions but to also "Extend" the enjoyment of the Moment. Have you ever Played a Game that Did not have a certain Sets of Rules and Limits that have restricted what you can do in order to prevent you from advancing too fast? No, you haven't. They ALL have them. There are reasons games have Limits that player's must follow. FootBall, for Example, Has Field Lines to keep the Players from running too far from the field. Every Player has a certain Task that he/she Performs. There are Rules to keep Players from Hurting each other us well as Preventing one player from gaining an unfair advantage. The Same is true for any other Sport as well as Board Games, Card Games, Video Games, ..... Even In School Yard Games Like Tag, Color Tag, and DodgeBall, Children understand the need for Limits and Boundaries. Granted, not all of the boundaries are the same or are Equally appreciated by all but they all have them. Games can not function without them. But The Trick is to try to implement as many Limits, Boundaries and Restrictions into the game that all players can at least "Compromise" on and to implement them in ways as to where they will not interfere with the Fun Aspect. Which is Basically a small part of exactly what this Karma System will be. No one said that the Game would Just be "Good VS. Evil." Karma itself is more then that. Much like how player do not need to Follow Gods, Player's will not have to Build their Character Based on their Karma but they will still have to take it into account during the course of the game. Much Like the Food Level, The Karma Level will Raise and Fall depending on a player's actions and Choices. And, Like the Food Level, If a Low Karma Level starts to Impede a player's Abilities, that player will just have to take steps to remedy it. The only difference is that it can't be done by eating a simple Fruit. Also, unlike The Food Level, a Player Can continue playing regardless of their Karma Level. It's just that their game will pay differently from others as they might not have the same choices as others with Higher Karma. The only thing we want is to expand the game beyond the "Empty Shell" of a Game as it is right now. Right now, it's very much like a Clock without its Gears put in; It may look nice but it ain't going to keep Time. And Believe me, we don't have nearly enough Gears yet. (As you may see, I've very fond of Metaphors.)
  11. Unicorns

    On the contrary, I think it's the Lack of Player Responcablity in the game that's causing this game come up a little Shallow of a real game. A Karma System is more then just Player "Morality." It Gives the game Depth. The "Morality" aspect is only a Bonus for players who choose to expand their Characters according to their Alinment. Right now, there is no such thing as "Player-Determined" Good or Evil. A Player can say he's Good or Evil but that really means Nothing unless that player is a 100% Role-Player. For everybody else, There is no Good or Evil: Just Power Playing. And since the game has no predetermined End and with only a few Paths a Player can travel, It's no more then a Never-Ending Race that has no finish-line and no way to expand the predetermined Paths layed out for us. This game's only purpose is for players to constantly Raise their Character's Skills, without any regard for the havok it's playing on the Game as a whole: -We Harvest for hours from indepletable Resources for free and at minimal Risk. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. -We Kill ever Numerous Wildlife with no effect on the Supply. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. -We Fight and Fight and Fight amongest ourselves (Willingly and Unwillingly; Both PKing and Bickering) with no Loss other then Money and Items which comes from a Limitless Pool while we hold no Responcibility for our actions. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. -We constantly Create Items that Flood the Market, The Grounds, and Our Inventories. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. -We Trade a Limitless Supply of Goods for a Limitless Supply of Money and Vice Versa. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. -We Complete Simple Tasks for simple Quests in order to quickly Increase our Levels at the small expence of a little Money from a Limitless Pool and a few Items from a Limitless Pool. The Game Suffers while our Characters Grow. Our Characters are Growing at extreme Rates, with no investment besides time, which only actually makes dayly playing EASIER as we grow and the easier it is to play, then the easier it is to Raise our character's Skills. It is all of this Lack of Player Responciblity that's killing this game. So what if it makes things easier and maybe a little Funner for individuals! The Game is Completely Shallow and a Pale comparison to a real "Game" and nothing more then an "Interactive Chatroom." It's time for Player's to start taking responciblity for their Actions, Even if the Game has to do it for them. If you do something harmful to the game, it should do something harmful to you. When you make decisions in the game, The game should respond to those decisions and React accordingly. A Player's gaming Experiance should be directed by that player's actions. We should have many options to choose from when answering NPC's Questions and the future of our characters should be determined by our choices. Right now, the only Major choice a player makes in that game is whether they should take Godless or Not. Because of the Perk system in the game, Player's can "Pre-Fashion" their characters before they've even Learned the Game (And yet, the Devs are against the idea of Player's doing this during Character Creation, Go fig) and then just shift all of our Pick Points around Later when we wish to train our other Skills. This game should be a lot Deeper and More Involved then just "Do what the last player did." The Karma System has always been a great way to Balance and Limit Character Growth because of the simple fact that you can't ever Trust Players to do it themselves! Player's will find and Exploit any and every little Loophole they can in the "Race" to be the best. And you better believe this game has Loopholes and Plenty of them! This game is severly unbalanced and needs Something to help correct that imbalance. A Karma Based System is one of the best ways for that. Not only that but it's fun to play by too. There are Other ways to balance the game though but they aren't nearly as fun and interesting. Most involve Slowly the Game down to a crawl or worst yet, Changing and/or Removing many of the Features that we all Love. Anyway, I'm sorry for Ranting like this, expecially On this Topic which isn't really the place for it but I feel so strongly about it.
  12. Fun With Magic

    Well, you're Right! I never have Understood Christianity. But I did understand you. I just say So what! Just Leave the Ignorant to their Dark Fears. Instead of Pointing out their Ignorance, Educate them! They'll soon realise that the Dark Ages are Over. If not, their own Fears will destroy their Sanity!
  13. Unicorns

    Well, One thing I can suggest to give a adquate answer to this topic, as well as improve the overall game, would be to rework the whole concept of Perks. The whole system of Perks need to be redesigned and I think that if it is going to be redesigned, it should be greatly improved overall. But, one debatable suggestion for a curse would be that all Animals Will attack you. This may not be all that bad for most players but it can be annoying if they Swarm you for a few days. Nothing like not being able to take a step before having two Bears Multi-Jump you.
  14. Fun With Magic

    So is Satanism. What's your point?
  15. Unicorns

    Whatever the Punishment will be, It absolutely has to be something that's very, very Painful yet is something that the Player Can And/Or Must Live with, if they wish to continue playing. It must be so painful to continue playing that, if a Player wishes to continue to play, they'll either need to live with the pain or Suffer through it to cure themselves. If Hellspawn is given, Then the only Way for the player to rid themselves of it is to do a Quest; A very long Quest that takes them to many, many Maps (Perferably Many PK Maps.) Add that to having No Storage NPC access plus Health, Mana, and Food Levels remain at 0 (OK, Maybe at 1 for Health) while Mather Nature Absolutely Dispises them and the only NPCs that will talk to them is the Quest NPCs, One of them is a God Priest which will only talk to you after finishing yet another Quest! But that's the worst case situation. There are many things that could be done.
  16. Agreed. It would be cool if your character would continue Moving it's Hands or Legs or Head something so long as the Server continues to receive signals and your character would stop only when it no longer receives the signals. That way, you can tell who's AFK because their character isn't moving. Anyone Manuing or of the Like could move their Hands and Arms while anyone Just sitting and Chatting will have their Character's Head move back and Forth and Up and down (Simulating Liveliness and Conversion.) At the Very Least, it'll give the game a little Life. It's sad when Sleeping Gargoyles have more Life and activity then our Characters.
  17. Unicorns

    Very true which is also why the Negitive results should also added on with each hit against a Unicorn, not just from killing it. Sure, killing it should be Like a Major Karmatic Stike against your soul but just Hitting a Unicorn should be painful too, expecially for Players who are Good! Player's with Good Alinement would like suffer far greater Karmatic Torment from inflicting a Evil Act upon another Creature of Good Alinement then a Player of Evil Alinement who wouldn't likely be affected by the Guilt or by fear Divine retribution. They, on the other hand, would probably suffer greater Physical Pains from the Unicorn's own Holy Strike. (Forgive me if I'm using RPG terms but I'm not sure how to word it) Like, Instead of Gaining Exp for each Hit, you should lose It (unless you are already Evil by Nature or are a Champion of an Evil God, in which you'll Gain Exp in spite of the Karmatic Curse because of your Favor of your Gods).
  18. Unicorns

    Agreed. Instead of making the Penaty a direct result of the Killing of a Unicorn, make it more in-depth and Have all the Negitive effects on your character be a result of it's Karma. Of course, a couple additional Curses can be added on top of that but their effects vary. This way, we'll have the Karma system, which will affect all player's in such ways depending on their Karma and Then we'll have Additional Curses which work indepentantly of a player's Karma (like you can have a High Karma Level and still be cursed) to cause effects on the player, which is determined by the curse. The Effects of a player's Karma level will be determined of that player's Karma Level and will remain so long as the player stays at the Level be Curses can be either Temporary or Permanent, depending on the Curse and the cause of the Curse. Temporary Curses will fade over time but Permanent Curse will either need to be removed by the player's God (and only if the God looks favorably upon you) or by a NPC (Like a Witchdoctor or Shaman) for the Godless folks, but only for a very large "Donation." So far, of all the Suggested Punishments, there's some who see any one punishment as too harsh while others who see that same punishment as completely bearable or even a Positive! If we were to include both a Karma system and Curses, then not only can we include many of these suggestions in varying Levels to affect player's in server yet playable way but also expand both to many other aspects of the game instead of just to this perticular Topic. They are many things that will affect your Karma or causes curses in the game, not just killing Unicorns so we should have a System by which to cover all of it instead of going though topics like these to determine the results of each and every Cause and Effect that occurs during the game. But, I think it'll take a lot of the burden off if we just make Unicorns hard to Catch, not only to Kill. That way, the Punishment Vs. the Rewards isn't nearly as questionable. I mean, if anyone with a very Low Karma or has once attacked a Unicorn aproaches it, the Unicorn should Teleport away. That will keep a player from keep attacking them again and again and still Fits into the Game Role-Playing Aspect. That's another point I find important. Many of the suggestions don't really fit into the game. People have just been Suggesting Punishments that either Harm or Hender a player's (Not character's) ablity to perform in the game or otherwise continue playing "In dispite of the punishment." Most of the Suggestions so far include punishments that require the player to just sit around, waiting until it wears off! That's not right. Additionally, I don't think should have Unicorns of varying Levels. That would support players training on them. Also, I think the only one and best map to put a unicorn is on the WS Map in Forest of the Fall (or at least the Spawn) and restricting it's Mobility to there and Tirnwood.
  19. Unicorns

    Yes, Yes, Yes! I completely agree. I've been Waiting until Unicorns were added. I'll add my own view of Unicorns, as I'm a big fan of them. Well, assuming we'll have Karma in the game, Typically the Killing of a Unicorn is one of the worst Sins against both Nature and Order that anyone can do and would cause you're Karma to drop pert near the Lowest you can go. This would also affect the ways in which different characters of different Alignments would view you, such as Gods. Gods of both Natural and Good Alignment would curse you while Gods of Evil Alignment would look very favorly upon you. Adversely, Casting a Healing spell on a injured Unicorn would give you a completely opposite effect in regards to a person's Karma but although Unicorns are notorious in forgiving pass aggressions, they look upon Goods Acts as every person's Responsiblity and not acts to be praised so don't expect to be showered in Gifts (Unicorn's have a very simple View of Good and Evil: Good is the Natural Order of the Universe and anything that upsets that Order is Evil.) Although, Unicorns have been known to reward an act of kindness every so often, such as a Completely healing in return or even a favor to be returned later on in life. Obviously, in Killing a Unicorn the reward would likely be the Unicorn's Horn. A Unicorn's Horn is a very blessed item but Its also been said that if a Unicorn dies in Pain, it’s Horn will become Cursed and would bring misery to anyone who holds it. Unicorns have also been known to imbed their Horn into the Trunk of a Tree, Causing it to brake off leaving behind an uncursed Horn for anyone who can dislodge it to keep. A Unicorn Horn, Even a Cursed one, is highly prized by Enchanted or Magical Beings. Evil Gods Greatly Value Unicorn horns and would reward you in return for as many as you can deliver to them. Other, Non-God beings would also reward you though not all value Cursed Horns equally. Typically, Unicorns are known to be Immortal, as the only way to kill them is to inflict mortal wounds (or when a Unicorn decides that their Life is over and wish to move on to the next Life) but Unicorns are also highly fragile against physical Weapons with no real interest in fighting or of physical Prowess (although they've been known to Attack Lions on Sight, for unknown reasons). They have very High Life Points and Manna Points but aren't known to be aggressive against non-Evil Alignment characters so they'll typically flee from battle or even Vanish from Sight at the approach of a Person who isn't of very high Alignment. (Sure, such mythology only pertains to Unicorns in Real Life, so it doesn't have to hold true in the game.)
  20. micheal jackson is not guilty.

    Actually, I had forgotten the whole thing until I turned on the T.V. Yesterday and saw the whole commotion! I kind of already knew what they were going to rule. That's why I just put it out of my mind and didn't concern myself. Actually, that's something to look foreward too. I Fully believe that this whole thing was the result of a Golddigging Family with no real merit. IF this really was legit, you can count on a following Civil Suit but if this lady was just trying to get Micheal to dish out another $20 thousand payoff, most likely she'll drop the whole thing because if she won't likely win the Civil Suit. There's too much risk and Micheal has the legal advantage now. So, it's her move now. Then we'll see exactly what her true colors are.
  21. Iraqi Information Minister

    An what, Short people may be offended by cause we use "Dwarves"? Tread Lightly in approaching everything from a Politically Correct View point. Otherwise we're going to all end up with our characters looking all the same and having our Words Censured! ...... Opps, Too Late. reciproque, It's a joke. Some may get it, Some may not. Some think it's funny, Some do not. Just Chill! It ain't hurting anything and I think it's funny to break the 4th Wall a few times! Just get over it.
  22. Gauntlets

    True but it's not all that much realistic and not as much fun, is it? I mean, I can understand having the armor covering the arms in Chain Mail but not for Plate Mail. Also, we have Metal Pant and Metal Boots, so Why not have some Gauntlets as well. We need something of some real protective value to guard our Forearms and Hands. It just makes more sense to me. At least it'll give me something to put in my final unused slot that I always have.
  23. Illusion Spells

    You see, this is where you're logic betrays you. In this game at least, nothing can be "stolen", which is the general Point I was getting at. The only reason anyone even claims to have their Bag Jumped is if they see another player nearby just before they go "Poof"! But in this case, Out of Sight means There's No Blame. If a player has no one to blame after s/he returns to find their bag gone, then they'll only have themselves to blame. Or they'll get over it. Eitherway, all the better. No, no. No personal attack. Just noting a running theme in many of your posts. You have tended to cite "Bagjumping" as a Problem quite often, if not for the same reasons as most. First, this game is about 40% gambling, in one fashion or another. The other 60% neither requres much Thought or Luck; Just a lot of Time and Patience. Second, I like the idea of such a "Glow". But it would have to be uniform to any players that has an Enchantment on them in order to not give other players a sense of just what spell is on them. Such as whether it's "Illusory Armor" or "Phantom Weapon", the player would still have the same "glow". Also, this would be a great way to apply the Perseption Cross-Attribute as well. At 0 Perseption Level, a Player will not be able to see the Glow of a Enchanted player. At higher Levels, a player would only able to see the glow emminating from nearby Enchanted Players. With a higher Level, a Player can Indentify what Spell is enchanting Other Players. At an even higher Level, a player would be able to "sense" a glow from an Invisible Player (but not see them). At a Level yet even Higher, a Player would be able to See through the Invisiblity Spell and Identify the player. This would be a lot of fun for people who don't want to Train their Magic but still would like a defense from those who do. And Perseption wouldn't only apply to Common Magic either. It can also work the same more Summoning and other related skills. This would be a great way to deter Fighters from investing all of their PPs into just their Fighting. If a fighter wants to be more careful in their fights, they'll invest in a little Smarts instead of just brute force (unless they're Role-playing a Barbarian or such.)
  24. Illusion Spells

    And it also seams as though the "Bagjumping complaints problem" is your responce to every issue as well. Afterall, You are Notorious for your stance on Bagjumping and related issues. If an idea has even a slight chance of being used by a bagjumper, you are always one of the first to veto it. And since when was players' Laziness an excuse for not improving the game? I'll say it again, We can't keep the mindset that this game should be "Simplified for the Simpletons" then that's all we're going to get to play this game. Same ...... Diff ...... Don't get into Semantics here. It just wastes time and makes us type more then Necessary. Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose? I mean, if no one knows the crime was commited, there would be no reason to convince a Judge that it wasn't. Crimes happened every second in this world. It's only the ones that are Known about that are accepted as "Real." Well now, that would depend on exactly where that table is. Obviously, you can't just walk into someone's house and pick something up and walk out with it But If you leave your Wallet on the Table in your local Cafe, Legally it's Only yours as long as it contains some form of I.d. But then again, it's only Legally yours so long as you return to claim it. Otherwise, it's the responciblity of Cafe. But, If it has no I.d. then whose to say that it's isn't mine if I come along behind you Later and pick it up? The Laws regarding taking something that doesn't belong to you only purtains to Taking that object off of a Person or a Person's Property. Othewise, Finder's Keepers.
  25. Illusion Spells

    Oh, Perish the Thought! We Don't Dare Try to improve the game and make it Fun in fear of making it "Too Complecated" and players would actually have to Try for once! Same Diff. Like who in this game bothers to ever spend any time in a building if that don't have to? No one spends more time then they need to other then to sit AFK. Even when they do, they still have to except the fact that someone could walk in at any moment right when you post something and it'll be overheard, plus all buildings in the game are public areas so no one has any right to privicy. If you have something so important to say, PMing is often easier then Posting on Channels. Also, Since when has anyone ever took the Bagjumping arguement seriously? If someone was going to go get themselves killed, It their own fault and bags are open to anyone who wants it, regardless of who, what, or where. Plus, if anyone is going to bagjump them, they're going to do it anyway, whether or not they're invisible! The only difference is, The Jumpie can't won't see the Jumper and thus can't go Complaining about that person in the Forums. As Far as I can see, this is a Plus! If the "crime" can't be witnessed, then there's no crime. I can only see the Invisiblity spell as a Deterrent to the Bagjumping problem since the only "Problem" with bagjumping is the fact that people don't understand that when you drop something, it's no longer yours until you pick it up again. Anyway, You can't use the Bagjumping excuse again to try to support your own fears of a new proposed addition to the game just because you don't personally like it. Maybe other players really would like it since it's a really good idea, thus it's worth suggesting again and again until there's good enough reason not to add it.