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Everything posted by scafativ

  1. Bag POP timer

    It can be less than 12 minutes, but more importantly, if you find the bag, you don't know when it started. I've tended death bags, waiting for the owner to return. I hate to pick the stuff up, but you have to if you have no idea how long it's been in the bag. Also, when manufacturing, I'm paranoid enought that I keep picking everything up and putting it down again. A timer would be nice.
  2. As a minor refinement to the user interface, I suggest that a third display mode be added for the health bars. If I'm not fighting, I don't really care if players are limping back from Hell with just a bit of red, but I do care about me! You never know when a collapsed wall may place me on the verge of death, and that indication in my character's health bar is attention getting. It would be important to still make available a mode in which no health bars are displayed (for pictures and so forth). SO I suggest that Alt-H toggle between: * Every character has health bars * Only your character has a health bar * No character has a health bar scafativ
  3. Health-Bar Display

    Well, I don't know about you, but I'm much more likely to notice a dire heath situation on the character rather than "the hud". scafativ
  4. Create note

    Well, the signature certainly solves the smegger issue- I do think that there exists purposes beyond contests though, everything from love notes to death bag identification (what a french span-of-purpose). To make the death-bag id more likely- perhaps notes would have a 100% chance to make it into a death bag. scafativ
  5. #save

    I don't find a record of this being suggested before... How about a #save command to flush a character's current info to the db. This would save having to log out and in periodically when the release is a little bit flakey. scafativ
  6. #save

    Ideally, I agree, but I think that may burn too many cycles- it's 'expensive' to write the data out. I think that a #save is a compromise. scafativ
  7. I was just making water essences in the rain, and I got a wacky idea- but I like it! How about if water essence manufacture has a better chance of success in the rain, and fire essence manufacture has a poorer chance? It would add an interesting element- influencing what you make when. scafativ
  8. EL: An economy of Inflation

    In response to the previous post- the way they "control the economy" in washington is by limiting how much money exists. You are agreeing with the original post. I, however, do not entirely agree. The very significant factor that was not accounted for was economic growth. As more and more players join our community, and as existing players get more powerful and "rich" from a resource standpoint, the further you would stretch a fixed number of gc. Interestingly, you would find an economy of rapid deflation- players wouldn't have much gc to spend, so sellers would have to drop their cost. If you want to put some sort of cap on inflation, then you could limit the number of available gc that exist as a function of the number of players- that is- the total gc available is #_of_players * X, where X is a reasonable quantity of gc per citizen. I don't agree with this approach, but it would be an improvement over simply fixing available gc to a static number. Franky, I don't think that you can address this problem, or even be sure if a problem exists, without looking at data- graphs of number of players vs. existing gc vs. time vc whatever. I wonder if that historical data is available? scafativ
  9. I find it somewhat disappointing that all the medallions are just for combat. It's also disappointing that there is no way to positively effect your alchemy effectiveness other than attributes and XP- no cloaks, no rings, no potions, no spells. I'd love to see a 'Will medallion', maybe called the Griffin Medallion, that would be a +3 on will. If having a medallion increase a basic attribute is against your plans, then you could at least throw together a 'Will potion', similar to the summoning potion. Just my thoughts... scafativ
  10. Alchemy Medallion

    I think the breakability is a great idea, but I think that the 20% is way too high. I probably loose the ingredients 5 times on an average alchemy session, so I'd need a new medallion every time, on average! I think more like 3% per lost ingredients.... scafativ
  11. Alchemy Medallion

    Very helpful- thanks. I still think that a few non-combat medallions would be nice. scafativ
  12. We all know (or at least those of us with older machines or poor bandwidth) that the resync issue gets really really bad when there's a lot of players on. I think that the problem is compounded by the fact that players have to go through Molgor's "circle of awareness" to get elsewhere in the valley- in other words- you have to cut through a crowd. Maybe Molgor could be moved west some, to leave a clear path from the dock south? I think that it would help a lot, and be pretty easy to do. scafativ
  13. Black Screen / Mix Windows

    I like this idea too. It would be consistant with the way F1 eases the reading of text by having the BG go black. scafativ
  14. First of all: I love this game. It’s great fun, addicting, etc. This game has come a long way in a short time, and the developers have a lot to be proud of. That said, I’m sure that you’re looking for suggestions, and I’ve been keeping a list. None of these are new features, so much as suggested improvements to the user interface. Here goes: FEATURE PROPOSALS Ordered, formatted inventory #INV is, IMHO, practically useless when you a large number of items stowed, because the list isn’t in any particular order, and the items aren’t event columnized because the numbers aren’t formatted. A simple solution would be to sort alphabetically; a nicer solution would be to break it down by category (flowers, metals, essences, etc). Also, using a format on the quantity would line up the names, and that would be helpful to the readability too. Bell toll on hour at Whitestone and Portland I think it would add some nice atmosphere (which this game already has loads of) to have a bell toll in the larger cities at the top of each game hour. The sound effect size would be minimal- just one short mp3 (or whatever you use) of a single bell toll- then play it four times at 4 o’clock, for example. Right Navigation magic icon as means to implement “magic quickbar†Under the six inventory items in the right navigation, it would be nice to have a spot for a “magic iconâ€. This icon would represent which spell is currently configured in the magic window. This would be great because you could often close the magic window and free up your main screen. An example of how this is useful is when you’re fighting. The less clutter, the better, yet you could have “heal†preconfigured, and could just hit that when you need that. It might not help advanced players so much, because they’re probably casting a variety of things in the heat of a situation, but I think we’ve all often been in the situation of hitting the same spell over and over. You’d need to create a set of icons for the spells: A red cross for heal, skull and crossbones for poison, etc. Spontaneous animal fights I think it would be cool if non-summoned animals hunted each other, once in awhile. I keep expecting a bear to jump a deer- it’d be great if that happened very occasionally. STORAGE UI FEATURE IMPLEMENTATION SUGGESTIONS (I know it’s under “maybeâ€- these aren’t requests so much as suggestion of how to implement) After deposit to storage, display updated total of item. It would be nice to display, as part of the confirmation message, the new total of that item currently in inventory. When depositing, offer a context sensitive "all" At each level of deposit to inventory, an “all†option would be available. So, after choosing “depositâ€, “all†would exist with the categories, and if you hit it, every item you were carrying would go in. If you hit “flowers†though, “all†would exist again with the list of flower types, and if you hit it, all the flowers you were carrying would go in, etc. This one would be hugely helpful. Deposit none The “none†option is missing from some of the type lists- it’s nice to have there when you clicked on the wrong category. It would also be nice to have “none†on the withdrawal category lists for the same reason. Deposit/Withdraw One This one might be a little bit controversial, but I think that when depositing/withdrawing from storage, the quantity choice should be skipped when the quantity available is just one. Like the rest of these suggestions, it would just make the user’s storage transaction smoother and quicker. That also cuts down on the storage crowds. “All†as a quantity It would be nice to have “all†as a quantity option- easy to code, just make “all†mean 64,000. Keep up the great work! scafativ
  15. Disallowing same-ip playing would be tragic for people like me and my wife. We like to play together. Using a mule may be cheating, but it's not the end of the world- there are types of cheating that negatively effect a game more more. I hope that no change is made. scafativ