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About sidkhullar

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  1. Eternal Lands Android client (new version)

    Awesome! Been waiting for this for ages. Just downloaded; says 'bad username/password'. What could I be doing wrong?
  2. YARR bagjumpers

    EL is a reflection of RL, where (1) things aren't always fair (2) we can, to a large extent control what happens to us and (3) we can, to a large extent remedy or recover from what happens to us. If the people at YARR have chosen to bagjump for whatever reason, it is in our control to (1) be proactive about the possible dangers (2) learn from past mistakes and prevent them from happening again. That's what we do in RL, don't we? Just as in RL, if we continue externalising the issue, i.e. blaming a third person/entity for what happens to us, we'll never break the cycle and will continue to have such events inflicted upon us. I've never been bagjumped, perhaps because I know it is possible and do things the 'hard' way by lugging stuff to and from storage. In the event that I do start building a bag, I'm fully aware of the possibilities of being BJ'ed and therefore am responsible for the possible consequences as I chose to ignore them and continue on my chosen course of action. Who then is responsible? The bagjumper whose nature it is to bagjump or the harvester, who chose to ignore the presence of bagjumpers knowing well their nature? I believe I am in control and therefore ultimately responsible. This, for me, is the basis. All others such as admiting they're pirates, sneaking or not sneaking... whatever, are secondary. Stay well. Sid