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Everything posted by Lachesis

  1. Das Garn für die Spule

    Für einen Moment schien es, erstarrte ihr Blut zu Eis und ihr Herz zu furchtsamer Reglosigkeit, nur um gleich darauf in wilder Panik loszustürmen. Ein Schrei. Einen solchen Schrei, wie ihn jedes Wesen instinktiv erkennt, das den Tod fürchtet. Fast physisch dringt der Ausdruck von Todesqual in seine Seele ein, um sie von innen zu erschüttern. Die Todesqual einer Kreatur, die Lachesis unbekannt war. Etwas tierisches lag in ihrer Stimme, aber auch etwas elfisches, und etwas anderes, vollkommen fremdes. Diese Stimme schien einen Punkt zu berühren, der ... Nein, das konnte auch Einbildung sein. Dennoch, war sie nicht hier, um sich mit dem Elfen zu treffen, der von ihrer Vergangenheit wußte? Eine furchtbare Ahnung ließ sie ein zweites Mal erschauern. So sehr sie sich mühten, vermochten ihre Augen nicht, die Dunkelheit der Laternenschatten zu durchdringen. Nichts Lebendiges schien mehr in Lakeside zu weilen, selbst die Gestalt auf der Brücke war verschwunden. Wenn sie doch nur den Hafen endlich erreichen würden. Wie sie bereits befürchtet hatte, war er nicht erschienen. Die ersten Strahlen der Morgensonne ließen den Tau auf einer weißen Lilie blitzen, doch Lachesis konnte das Schauspiel nicht genießen, im Gegenteil erfüllte es sie mit noch tieferer Trauer. Eigentlich wollte sie wütend auf ihn sein, wütend auf ihn und seine geheimnisvollen Versprechen, wütend auf ihren Geist, der sich so vehement weigert sich zu erinnern, wütend auf die Lilie, die sich rücksichtslos in einem Feuerwerk sonnt, während sie einsam und orientierungslos auf ihrer Insel sitzt und sorgenvoll in die Zukunft blickt. Elfen altern wesentlich langsamer als Zwerge und Menschen. Deshalb ist es wohl auch noch niemanden besonders aufgefallen, daß sie nun schon seit fast einem Jahrzehnt etwa so aussieht, wie siebenjährige Zwergen- oder Menschenkinder es tun. Doch es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es jemandem auffallen und er mißtrauisch werden würde. Im Frühjahr vor achteinhalb Jahren war sie, schmutzig und in Lumpen gehüllt, in einer verlassenen Hütte aufgewacht, ohne jegliche Erinnerung an ihre Vergangenheit. Deshalb heißt sie "Lachesis", was schlicht und einfach "Gegenwart" bedeutet. Ein Zwerg, Brim Steeleater, hatte sie damals in ihrem erbärmlichen Zustand in der Hütte gefunden und sie bei sich aufgenommen. Er wohnte am Gebirgsrand im Südosten von Mynadar, in einem Haus, das zum Teil in den nackten Fels gehauen war. Viele Mythen rankten sich um dieses Haus, und Brim hatte viel Vergnügen daran, sie an langen Winterabenden zum besten zu geben. Die Abgeschiedenheit verhinderte, daß jemandem sein Gast auffiel. Selbst die Stimmungsschwankungen, die er jetzt öfters zu haben schien, schrieb man seinem einsiedlerischem Leben zu. Sein Gast hingegen unternahm viele Ausflüge ins Tal der Zwerge, begann sich heimisch zu fühlen und vergaß allmählich auf welch merkwürdige Weise er hierher gelangt war.
  2. gl init troubles

    Don't worry, those errors certainly are just due to an outdated or missing glext.h. You can download a recent version at SGI.com: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI/glext.h The file needs to be placed in the includes/GL/ subdirectory of Dev-Cpp
  3. Translation via XML of the windowstittle

    Patch is incomplete, the code for loading the strings [translate.c] is missing. With regards Lachesis P.S. I accepted patch #751 (masked by #ifdef WINDOWS), because that's the only way to avoid support requests by new users.
  4. Chat interface modifications

    Good ideas, Roja About the names: I think "List" and "History" will be enough, the fact that the button is in the bar already tells that it's about channels. "Chat list" could be confused with "Buddy list". CK, I think it would be sufficient to add two buttons on the chat window. ttlanhil, Zeplin, we can also experiment with menus but please try to keep it simple
  5. The Great War

    I'm going to put this into ELWiki. If further changes are going to be made, please edit the story article there. Yes, the wiki is intended to replace the forum in actual story development.* I think there's also good reason for a concise article about the Great War that focuses more on a historian's point of view, drawing the most important facts and relationships together. P.S. Story article is ready now.
  6. The portland library - A comprehensive reference

    Well Derin told the way to go, I guess that's what we're going to build on. Though I think that requires a little ingeniutiy and lots of manpower, but if luck can help, thank you :-p
  7. The portland library - A comprehensive reference

    Added Roja's copy of the deities' descriptions. http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~cami/elwik...ategory:Deities Now started to add Lyn's fact files, however they seem to be inconsistent with the Historical Timeline. Is there an updated version anywhere?
  8. The portland library - A comprehensive reference

    Ok, I installed mediawiki 1.5 now (which supports user groups), and set the following permissions: Everyone: read, create account (email verification) Registered Users: comments (Talk pages) Editors: write (add, modify) articles, upload files Everything else is like in the default configuration. I guess that's what you wanted :-) Unfortunately I had to delete the database, but there wasn't much in anyway. If you want to get access, please contact me via forum PM. The URL still is: http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~cami/elwiki/ Please be kind and don't waste resources, otherwise my university might delete the page. If we later decide to move the wiki that won't be any problem, I can get an SQL dump and the installed PHP files. With Regards Lachesis # $wgGroupPermissions = array(); # $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createaccount'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['read'] = true; $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['edit'] = false; # disables anonymous edits $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['talk'] = false; # disables anonymous comments $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['move'] = false; # $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['read'] = true; $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['edit'] = false; # disables normal user edits $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['talk'] = true; # enables normal user comments $wgGroupPermissions['user' ]['upload'] = false; # disables normal user uploads // Editors group $wgGroupPermissions['editor']['move'] = true; $wgGroupPermissions['editor']['edit'] = true; # enables authorized edits $wgGroupPermissions['editor']['upload'] = true; # enables authorized uploads # $wgGroupPermissions['bot' ]['bot'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['block'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['createaccount'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['delete'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['editinterface'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['import'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['importupload'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['move'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['patrol'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['protect'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['rollback'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['upload'] = true; # $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['userrights'] = true; // Used by the Special:Renameuser extension # $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['renameuser'] = true;
  9. notepad.c

    Sorry, I have no idea :-( Does one maybe use parsing callbacks instead of building a tree?
  10. Absence of Wytter

    I feel with you Wytter. Got a lot to fix in RL too.
  11. notepad.c

    xmlParseFile() assumes UTf-8 if no encoding is specified in the XML file, sorry but I can't see any benefit in xmlReadFile(), it's fine to use either.
  12. index of Encyclopedia

    It should! Can't fix it atm I'm afraid, please file a bug report
  13. Important: Format Release Info

    Skipped this message, sorry Placid It's obsolete now
  14. Summoning

    Please get Roja's blessing before including any new content into encyclopedia. Thank you
  15. New spells interface

    You should keep it separate as only a small part of the information is language dependant. Updating two (or multiple) files is no more complex than updating one file.
  16. The portland library - A comprehensive reference

    Would you, please? 213401[/snapback] We can't. It would be counterproductive. We can provide links and summaries for the most important info, but there's no use in trying to make it foolproof. Even the most intuitive interface to a complex tool needs knowledge on how to use it, and be it just that you have to turn the page to read the rest of a story or to click on "history" to verify the author. Each article would be required to provide evidence whether it's fact, historic source (official story), myth (fan fiction / contributed story), work in progress or just an accumulation of facts. The last case can be assumed default so it doesn't need a special mark. The evidence can be provided using namespaces, categories, by an introductory text or in more subtle but still evident ways.
  17. ttlanhil's Patches

    Exactly. However, lots of handler function pointers waste memory space. So "handlers" that are actually virtual (overwritable) functions should be placed in a "class object" so that an object instance needs to carry only one pointer, namely to the (shared) class. That makes calls slightly slower however all OOP compilers do it that way, so it can't be that bad Anyway, slightly digressing here. Lachesis
  18. New spells interface

    <name> and <desc> should not go into that file. They are already in a file under languages/. The icon ID might be used as an identifier to find the correct strings for translation.
  19. ttlanhil's Patches

    (to ttlanhil) Meep! Is that list in order of priority? The pane implementation is certainly an improvement, (to all devs) however I still don't like the separation of windows and widgets. They should share a common base class so they can be nested and we don't have the problems you mentioned. I'm indifferent about the other patches. Please our developers, please add your comments With Regards Lachesis
  20. Translation via XML of the windowstittle

    Patch applied.
  21. Little enhancement to storage interface

    Sure that is possible P.S. Patch committed, with the proposed modifications. Also made window scroll as little as possible.
  22. New Encyclopedia Xml Data Format

    No, but it's taking a long time.
  23. Summoning

    == Summoning levels == Rabbit: 0 Rat: 2 Beaver: 4 Deer: 5 Green Snake: 8 Red Snake: 12 Brown Snake: 17 Fox: 20 Boar: 24 Wolf: 28 Skeleton: 32 Small Gargoyle: 34 Medium Gargoyle: 36 Big Gargoyle: 38 Puma: 40 Bear: 45 Fluffy Rabbit: 35 Chimeran Mountain Wolf: 40
  24. Client functions min2f and max2f

    No, the truncation is an incident. Was a little rushed yesterday, sorry. I don't know if placing the function body in the header will work with the GNU tools, if so, I will change it. Thank you! Edit: As I suspected, placing them in the header causes linkage problems. I will place the bodies in a separate file then.
  25. Summoning

    Well, now all it needs is someone that does it I will ask a server developer for the numbers, would you volunteer to update the respective articles and create a patch? Please see the sticky threads on how to obtain the latest Encyclopedia files. With Regards Lachesis