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About A_BloCK

  • Rank
  1. ReActioN,DaKiss banned?

    Check your e-mail (the one used for your Paypal account). what am i looking for?
  2. booted

    i was booted by learner dont think he'll post.
  3. booted

    booted from learner i didnt mean to post that link was ment for my sto sell in market here.. i was on that site i didnt copy paste that link i thought i still had my market page still cpoied and hit Ctrl+v didint relize it posted that link until i got booted. really it said wait 1min read rules and you can play tryed logging back in didnt work so im guessing im banned which i didnt mean to post that link beause i know would get banned was a rokey mistake i think this is messed up that i dont get a reply back...
  4. sto sell

    ok im having sto sell ingame name Reaction or post here Eagle Claw offer tit set offer nmt, offer ~sold jagged saber offer~sold raiper offer~ reserved sycthe offer~sold orc slayer offer 12k HEs offer~ Reserved steel greaves ~sold cotu offer~sold mm cloak offer~sold fr cloak offer~sold bp cloak 2k~sold used tit sheild 24k Crown of life offer~sold gather med 10k bunch of manu pot books 2,2k Aes 7ea~sold 200 magic ess 7ea~sold 100 matter ess 5ea~sold 300 energy ess 8ea~sold 600 Les 5ea 550 brs 15ea 37k wine 1.5ea 4.9k vials 5ea~sold 1200 leather offer 3k PoF's 15ea 2 MoL 15k ea~sold pm me ingame ReAction or post here
  5. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Claimed A_Block
  6. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Order Completed ready for pick up pm me ingame
  7. Take back the market!

    I agree thats why BO$$ opend this.....http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=51775&st=60
  8. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Claimed! sorry ment Ricky order Ready for pick up pm me ingame Dilvered
  9. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Claimed! sorry ment Ricky order Ready for pick up pm me ingame
  10. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Claimed! A_BloCK
  11. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    claimed A_BloCK Order complete pm me ingame Delivered!
  12. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    claimed A_BloCK Order complete pm me ingame
  13. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    order done! pm me A_BloCK in game
  14. Fair Market Value Harvest Shop

    Claimed! sorry ment Ricky order