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About Dagar

  • Rank
    White Rabbit
  1. This may come as a shock to some of you, but I've found that it is possible to play a game and enjoy it, without "being able to compete with the top guys". Go figure.
  2. server down?

  3. Transient Items

    Nice idea, I like it.
  4. Unicorns

    I didn't read this entire thread... so I'm just going to state my opinion. I think the penalty needs to be not just a serious penalty, but something that makes good Roleplay sense. My idea is this... you are cursed, and the effect is all skills halved and you CANNOT HEAL! Furthermore, the curse can only be lifted by doing a quest (which should be long and difficult), so they can't just "sit it out".
  5. Good/Evil Alignment

    No offense to Mindfreak, but I don't personally like the idea. If it was implemented, I agree it would have to be alot more complex than -1 for attacking a player, +1 for healing -- this is both too simplistic and too easy to exploit.
  6. Harvesting Inside

    I agree with Vanyel, its already strange that you can harvest infinitely from a bush outside, but to infinitely harvest from someone's dinner table is just ridiculous.
  7. A permanent raise to your food level from an item, no matter how rare, is just way too powerful, IMO. I like the perk idea, though, but I think if you're gonna spend pickpoints for it, it should be more like +15 max food level.
  8. small changes in manu/potion

    If they did this, I would suggest reducing the chance of "Failed and lost ingredients", which is effectively the "bad" effects for those skills now.
  9. Here's a suggestion. I haven't seen it before, so if its a duplicate, forgive me. The new area in VotD looks very nice, but since the ores were made non-harvestable isn't been deserted. My suggestion is, with all those anvils, etc, could it be made so that ppl doing manufacturing and possibly alchemy and/or crafting in that area would receive a small (+1-5?) bonus to their skill? Maybe have a couple other places like that too? Obviously no bots allowed within a certain distance of those places and they can't be too close to storage. I don't know how difficult this would be to program, but I think it would be really neat. Dagar
  10. Help Please

    Well, I have to say I didn't see them with my own eyes, but lots of people in chat were like "OMG Fluffies on IP, please come help!!", etc
  11. How do you make EFE's?

    On the topic of random chances, does anyone know the odds of getting a rostogol stone? Thanks
  12. Help Please

    I have to make some comments here.... First, N1kon, he never said anything about it being anyone's fault. He simply was asking for help. I found your response to be unnecessarily beligerent. Second, twice I have seen fluffies on IP during an invasion, so the "get to IP to be safe" is a farce. I don't know why they say IP is safe during invasions, cause it just hasn't been the case. (I do think it should be safe, and hope this will change)
  13. Random Spawns

    I just don't get it, why in the world do you folks want a stats wipe?! NO stats wipe, I've put alot of time into my character and don't want to have to start over. A stats wipe would be the end of EL for me.
  14. Ore spawns

    The_Pale_Elf - most wpns and armor are worth less after being made than the cost of the raw ingredients, based on the prices I've seen as of late. Lachesis - Please explain to me where the fun is in searching for ore deposits? I just don't see it.
  15. Ore spawns

    Although I am in favor of changes to harvesting to make it more engaging, as others have said, I fail to see how having to walk around looking for ore would make harvesting any more interesting. I think it would just make it take longer. My suggestion would be to add some sort of interaction while harvesting. I'm not sure at this point what that would be exactly, but I will give it some thought.