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Everything posted by stasia

  1. My New Signature..

    i dunno, the green print against the black ground against the forum-blue background kinda hurts my eyes...
  2. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    *chases dragburn around thread shouting obscenities*
  3. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    it bloody is now *evil look*
  4. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    i smell a cover up
  5. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    noooo but *sobs* you didn't get that my first comment was intended as an ironic joke *lets it die*
  6. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    ...and devilishly subtle to boot
  7. The Most Beautifull

    WTF ?!? ....bet your mum wishes she had thought of that and used a condom back then..... got to say i agree
  8. Hosting

    heh i thought your name was a pisstake too
  9. New Storage

    no, grahm's village covers grubani peninsula and upper morcraven, whereas morcraven winery would cover all the lower areas (which are at present rather undernourished) very well.
  10. Getting Started

    the log in section? um, a) have you downloaded the game yet, then b.) have you clicked on the el.exe?
  11. What Is Up With The "rank"?

    note: i just posted to make dragburn's siggy not be true
  12. New Storage

    morcraven marsh is without doubt the most logical place - it covers both naralik and the lower whitestone map.
  13. Hack

    good reason #42 why not to post in thread
  14. Random Crashes

    lol anyway you should know it's the cookie crumbs that attract the bugs into your machine.
  15. How Can Anyone Stand So Many Bugs In El ?

    *said in cookie monster voice* - cookies...?
  16. Monsters Invasions

    oh god where was i when i logged off last week???
  17. In Response To Ents Post

    going on about this any more is just flogging a dead horse.
  18. Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

    oh the pain of existence (curse the ego) so this game is gonna be left for dead just cos the rabble (being a rabble) are unruly?
  19. Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

    i kinda like the random stuff, but please not too scary in that i might die even though i'm not macroing and am playing properly...um...i take it you're planning on splitting then? just take a holiday break and reconsider the big quit please Entropy?
  20. Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

    well that's a bit of a bugger eh. you must know that lots of people really do like this game. and that these people ask for a few reasonable tweaks here and there is surely why you put these boards up?
  21. 1) no chance to receive one-hit death-blow damages. 2) less chance to receive repeated events (put some kind of a maximum on events per char per hour *please*). 3) some way to dodge your bad event (ie show that the char is not macroing, and is in fact a real person sitting at the keyboard at the time of the event) - let us run from the bees; the rumbling of a cave-in; and give us a chance to turn down the "opportunity" to teleport *please*. 4) an equal chance to receive a good event (ie. offer of a gift) - same as you have to get a bad event.
  22. What Can I Do?

  23. America, Fuck Yeah

    haha yeah but dying fast for your country is ok and dying slowly in a hospital taking up resources and bankrupting your relatives is not
  24. Stupid Story

    My grandfather used to tell about a country lad who went to the big city to seek his fortune, but had no luck finding a job. One day, wandering through the red light district, he spotted a Help Wanted sign in a window. They were looking for a bookkeeper, but after the madam quizzed the boy about his education and discovered that he could neither read or write, she turned him away. Feeling sorry for him, she gave him two big red apples as he left. A few blocks down the street, he placed the apples on top of a garbage can while tying his shoe, and a stranger came along and offered to buy them. The boy took the money to a produce market and bought a dozen more apples,which he sold quickly. Eventually he parlayed his fruit sales into a grocery store, then a string of supermarkets. Eventually he became the wealthiest man in the state. Finally he was named Man of the Year, and during an interview a journalist discovered that his subject could neither read or write. "Good Lord, Sir," he said. "What do you suppose you would have become if you had ever learned to read and write?" "Well," he answered, "I guess I would have been a bookkeeper in a whorehouse."