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Everything posted by Daxon

  1. axe

    You'd be better unhorsing somebody with a lance than an ax. Could even take out the rider at the same time if you do it right. As for heavy axes, only the strong were meant to use them in the first place. Therefore, in the hands of a strong person, they can keep up their speed with an ax and make it less difficult to use effectively.
  2. Cheap Leather Quest

    It's one of the funs in the game to find out what the quests are.. but if you REALLY want to screw your fun over and just skip out on the challenge, PM me ingame.
  3. The Unicorn

    More than likely Maddad. Either that or it'll have a penalty so severe to scare off killers.
  4. making a map with the map editor...

    You mean like the other dozens of player-made ingame 'maps' already done?
  5. The Unicorn

    Try reading the first post?
  6. A quick question

    'NULL' tiles (click the skull and the ground tile button to make these) is what you use for tiles that will not be seen/used at all, as it speeds up the map some. Heightmap 'null' tiles are -2.20 and are (from what I see) always put down when you add water tiles, although you can change that to be able to walk on/in water. Hope that helps.
  7. Find a PKer/regular fighter with good typing skills and a good way of keeping peoples' attention and you've got a plan.
  8. Bugs On Maps

    Not sure if this was posted: Marsh flickering in Grubani. [Height Map Coords] 88, 334
  9. MrMind178 Reduced to Harvesting Lilacs

    And 8 minutes per 1000 GP would mean 4000 lilacs in 480 seconds.. 2000 with excavator. It's not -that- fast.
  10. Rant On the World

    Right.. right, right, things I don't understand. I suppose Tiananmen Square rings a bell doesn't it? What were they attacked for, Mireille? Selling cookies door to door? You have an odd habit of trolling threads that have anything to do w/ the US in them. Very unproductive figure of society, you are. ^_^ Anyhow, arguing politics always leads to dead ends. I'm already out of this one. Bad case of forum trolling here.
  11. Rant On the World

    Or we could promote Communism where, if you don't promote the 'best,' you lose your head. -_- @Lyr: Very personal things. Things that you are too privileged to know about.
  12. Lord_Daddy

    .. I was kidding.
  13. Rant On the World

    I supported voting for Bush both times and, although he hasn't been a perfect president, he didn't screw me over like Clinton did. With Gore's all-talk attitude and Kerry's everchanging ideas, I would say he was the better of the three. If Kerry had become president, the US could have kissed its ass goodbye.
  14. No snow at Isla Prima

    Not if they were editted with the new map editor.
  15. Lord_Daddy

    .. CG, for all you know with that type of conclusion, Lord_Daddy could be Ent.
  16. No snow at Isla Prima

    It's because some of the .def files don't seem to be added, so you can only access the maps as much as that file has. (It controls where you teleport where and such)
  17. Rant On the World

    And I guess you are right?
  18. Rant On the World

    Wasn't it you and Kala that said IQ does not measure someone's real intelligence? Something about geniuses could have 100 or less and idiots could have 140s?
  19. Testing server

  20. Fame and Axe

    I'll still attack you though. You're posted in the outlaws section. Multiple times.
  21. =HC= V. *CO*

    Look at her use of language.. Has she even been muted once?
  22. Looking For A Map Maker

    He posted it over a month ago.. since then, he's learned to mapmake. Sorry Kedan, Bethany.
  23. Fame and Axe

    GarD will support Fame.
  24. Chess Event :d

    I'm semi-good at chess. Can throw any average Joe away but any genius that comes along makes quick work of me. Just a question though.. How will checkmating work? Same as a regular engagement? Would look pretty embarrassing to see a king take a queen. :mellow: