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Posts posted by Miiks

  1. More NMTs the better, I don't agree that the NMT should be for the high level or the rich equipment breaks and we need to protect our stuffs

    Otherwise why not make everything super expensive and let nubs like us walk around in augs


    NMT perk is... well a perk. It shouldn't be too easy or cheap to get, otherwise radu can just drop the break chance to 1/4 of normal and remove the whole perk.

  2. Don't know where the prob is, I bought my NMT 4 years ago and still its same price, so I think its all ok here.


    It's not "still the same price". The price went up because demand was high and is now going down again for a reason there's shitload of NMT's in game and much less market for them, completely different situation than it was 4 years ago. I don't understand how anyone can say it's good thing an item isn't going out of the game at all if you understand even basics of economy. The situation is pretty good at this moment, but really it's only going to get worse in future, that should be clear to everyone.

  3. Who says that the NMTs doesn't have the correct price now? Why does the NMT need to cost 1mgc or similar?


    Mikks, since he has an extra NMT in storage.


    I don't have extra NMT cape in storage.


    Personally I think the price is actually pretty good at this moment, 350k is pretty proper price for the cape, it went too high for a while. But it won't last long, it's just basic economy: If some item just keeps flowing in and none are going out, the price drops and the item loses it's value. If the quest was added, NMT's drop chance could be increased a bit to keep price balanced. Of course the price might bumb for a while, but I don't see that as a big problem.


    Like most things this has been suggested many times, search the forums you will see. I do not like this idea. I can see alot of yeti farming and tbh the high level players will just benefit even more


    Could you link the topic, please? I don't seem to find it with search. I'd like to read comments from there.

  4. I never wrote about the harvesting tutorial, I wrote about the quests that give perks. And these COULD be completed with nexus potions saving money. You are allowed to do the math yourself, instead of crying about the harvesting tutorial.


    They can be completed by transfering nexuses from human too even at this moment.


    Reducing the required nexus by means of a lot of GC is an advantage to fighters only. If you don't get this I don't know how else to say that.


    I already explained why they would also benefit allrounders. Of course it might benefit also fighters that have shitload of extra gc, but I see more benefit for allrounders with mixed fighter / mixer build. For pure mixers it might not be so useful, only in rare occasions.

  5. I say do nothing because it's fine the way it is..


    But it's getting "worse" whole time since new NMT's are flowing in game. Old players get higher level and start fighting stronger mobs that drop NMT's and not that many new players are starting to play. The price is dropping whole time and in near future it won't at least start rising unless something is done. At some point NMT's will be worth nothing and then something really has to be done, so do we start making changes now or when it has gone to shit?


    At least I don't like the idea NMT perk would be automation to everyone since the cape is so cheap. Secondly I would be glad if the really really rare drop would actually be worth something when I actually get one. It's not really great feeling to get an NMT cape and then notice they cost 10k at market.


    Or you (actually radu) can close your eyes and see what happens.


    Also to add to my original suggestion: It would be nice if also pickaxes, harv med etc. would have their break chance lowered if worn on the first slot. So the quest would benefit also non fighter type of players.

  6. IMHO, if nexus increasing potions are introduced, a new generation of even stronger PKers will appear, maybe monopolizing hydro mining


    Do you understand how ridiculously expensive hydro mining would be with those pots if you had 0 inorg nex? Actually everything would be just way too expensive if you had 0 nexus and wanted to mix something that requires even few nexuses. I'm still standing on my point that those pots would be almost useless for pure fighters. If we forget level requirements, tell me what a fighter could actually do with 0 nexuses and using these pots? Mix an armor that costs 90k extra gc? Harv some hydro and waste maybe 500k to it (I don't remember how long it takes to harv full load of hydro, but if you need to "reset" those nexuses every minute, it takes shitload of them)? If we add level requirements here, it's impossible for a fighter to become allrounder without nexuses.


    It's allowed to use your head and think before you talk. I repeat, there's simply no sensible way of using those potions for fighters if they cost as much as radu planned. Edit: It they really really want to complete some tutorial by using those pots, let them waste millions of gc.


    Edit: Oh anyway in theory fighters would be able to do most of the tutorials just by swapping human nexus to other nexuses with transfer stones. Actually I don't understand why NH just doesn't do that if he has such an urge to finish the harv tutorial. So only use for them would be "serious" mixing and that would be just too expensive unless you already have some nexuses and are using the potion only in rare cases as radu said already.

  7. It seems everyone and their dogs has NMT capes nowadays and their price has had pretty bad inflation. Since they aren't even breaking they just flow in and practically never go out except for rare occasion when they're BRODed etc. Soooo I was thinking about a quest where you'd use an NMT cape and get some kind of reward as a return. I'd suggest it to be a little lower break chance for first equipment slot. Whatever you wear on that slot, it degrades less easily. And maybe some kind of achi too for those who are interested about them.


    And no, I didn't get NMT drop lately so I'm not having any secret motives. Anyway if I did get extra NMT as a drop, I would just use it for the quest myself too. Personally I think this is much better option to keep NMT's in control instead of making them breakable again. I wonder if anyone actually broke one while they were breakable for a while?


    Opinion, ideas etc.?


    P.S. I would also be interested in hearing instance/invance/whatever tank's opinions about the aggro system atm. Would you rather prefer some kind of aggro spell or is the system you use atm good enough (some of already existing spells, plate off)? I'm having some kind of idea about aggro spell, but I'm not going to waste my time for suggesting it unless people are unhappy with the system we have now. Personally I think it's pretty ridiculous to play with your plate to get monster's aggro on you: "Hey look Mr. dragon, I just put my plate in my backbag, u no notice anyone else than me now!" If EL was real life, that might work when a woman was fighting a man and taking plate off, but I quess it would seem just weird if you did that with real life dragon.

  8. I do not understand why would anyone use em, cost of mixing something would be too high (if its for a minute)


    You have ings for 5 sets of dragon armor and only 1 nexus below the requirement, wouldn't be too bad to pay the 15k. That's why I said they wouldn't most probably be used by pure fighters, but by allrounders that already have nexuses.

  9. Miiks, it doesn't matter who suggested it. on the contrary, Newhope has been playing for years and he obviously knows a lot in EL.

    But I have 7 artificial nexus. the 7th nexus (750k gcs since I bought the hydro from NPC) was for a one time use for the crafting tutorial. So if I could have done it with 15kgc instead, it means I have wasted 735k gcs. So yes, that doesn't make me happy.


    Why didn't you just get nex transfer? I think they've been ingame longer than craft tutorial, correct me if I'm wrong. If they weren't, I would be angry for that reason too.

  10. I don't like the idea. IMHO your build is your own decision, so either you build fighter or mixer. It shouldn't be allowed to create so easy all rounder (invest in HB and buy nexuses if you wish).

    Just my 5 cents.


    No fighter is crazy enought to pay, let's say 6 x 15k to become "allrounder" for a minute. I'm sure they would be mostly by allrounders or pure mixers to increase their nexuses temporarily by 1 or 2 to mix some really expensive items.


    I think that's pretty great idea. Personally I don't have any use it for now, but maybe later if I get some hydro nexuses first.


    Edit: Anyway I have to ask; Would you be so strictly against this idea if it wasn't suggested by NH? Personally I don't see how this would benefit only NH, not the game since couple allrounders have told even in this thread they'd use it.

  11. nvm, wont play if nobody want reply here


    suck my dick aislinn&radu

    greetings ! :)


    You are really good at ruining even your last chances of getting unbanned. Will you edit this post again after 1 month and ask for unban?

  12. I'm sure burns are in random pears... I mean pears are in random places. What kind of bug it could be? Radu accidently wrote a code that makes the chance of finding pears higher for burn and malameo? Sounds pretty... interesting. I just don't see point in making up these conspiracies when they're clearly only random theories without any proof. What I've heard, this has been going on quite a while and it seems it's getting more and more ridiculous.

  13. Just a tip, stop spamming. Aislinn will read your posts when she gets here again, do you think she should be on these forums 24/7? She might actually take your case more seriously if you acted maturely.


    Sorry, but just felt it would be necessary to tell him this.

  14. Imo tanks were good addition to instances and other fighting situations where a group had to deal with multiple mobs. I just don't understand why tanks are such a big problem in EL, practically every other MMORPGs have them. Why should everyone grind from 0 to 179 a/d the same way?
