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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About Masacru

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/24/1993

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  • Interests
    Xfire,Games,Flash,anime,cartoons.tv.all !,
  1. Xfire and EL

    Hello sistema , i guess you remember me from xfire.I've spoken with the Xfire Game supporter and the game will be added soon (perhaps in the next game updates there are usually 2-3 per month)Anyway my xfire id is MasacruForGroove ,i've applied to join the EL Community on xfire
  2. Română

    Gata , am intrat , e ORIGINAL JOCU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Deja m-am intalnit cu un roman ,am uitat cum il cheama , da e oricum de pe forum de aici , entropy sa imi zici numele din joc !
  3. Yet another school shooting

    Was that n00b from china ?China man ?Or what .....if he is american he should die on the lighting chair , anyway i heard he is a china man , and they are not allowed to kill him.....
  4. Română

    THANKS man ,ti l-am trimis (private message , apropo e 20:51 , vad ca esti on . sper sa il bagi acum pe whitelist i wanna play !
  5. What's happening ?banned

    Ohh , i won't pay for an email adress If there is an exception and i can use HOTMAil , yahoo , tell me
  6. Română

    Thanks , da fi atent cand creez acc, imi aleg numele , fata , alea alea. dau done ,. incarca si iese ?Asta inseamna ca l-a facut ?sau nu a mers , Accountul asta Masacru (anyway nu poti da remove la ban ?>pe ipiul meu , ca imi zice in consola ca sunt bannat .....(nu stiu de ce , ca e prima oara cand intru )
  7. What's happening ?banned

    my ip is banned ?? why . what did i do . i just installed the game , and it tells me with red ,i am banned THIS IS MY FIRST TIME I RUN THE game , pls remove it, i want to play :
  8. What's happening ?banned

    I am still waiting no answer , i saw some threads wich didin't get an answer yet (and they posted from days)I don't want to wait 1 week
  9. Română

    Entropy , tu esti ROman ) , il cunosc pe unu din moderatori mi-a zis de tine , ca stai in romania , da nu l-am crezut + ca am vazut ca scrie usa Anyway - azi am bagat jocu , si zice ca am ban :| E prima oara cand intru .....ce trebuie sa fac sa intru in white list ZIce ca cineva de la ip asta a facut ceva urat , bla bla bla
  10. What's happening ?banned

    This is my first time i installed El , i runned it , and appeared a console ,and said with red ,My ip is banned because sombody from my ip , did somthing nasty :| CAn i be added to white list ? Or somthing like that Pls , i want to play , i like medieval rpgs