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Everything posted by Cara

  1. Price: 230k Leave a message here or PM me (Carat) in-game.
  2. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Moni saattaa jo tietääkin, mutta kerronpa nyt kuitenkin. Elikkäs, Melin on virallisesti jättänyt EL-ajat taakseen ja hahmonsa minun hoiviin. Surullista menettää sekin mies, mutta minkäs teet jos tosielämä maistuu.
  3. Suomi Finland Perkele

    No et kyllä rupee bassoos pettämään! Sen verran oon tuota soitinaikuisviihdettä joutunu kattelemaan, että saat luvan pysyä valitsemallasi tiellä...
  4. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Heh, minuukin on häirinny se Ryystinna, mut enpä vaan oo saanu aikaseks kysyy. Ja ikinä en meinaa muistaa et Teta1 on meikäläisiä, duuuhhhh. Miiksillä on varmaan niin kiire halailla bassoonsa ettei se näillä foorumeilla jouda roikkumaan.
  5. Netherlands / Holland

    Basically I don't know any Dutch, but I've learned 3 useful sentences. Ik ben youw vriend. Ik zal je onthoofden en door je keel pissen! Houd godverdomme je bek dicht en harv!
  6. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Minun taas ei ois tarttenu miettiä mitä sanon, mut päätin olla kans ihan hiljaa.
  7. petition for attributes cap

    Change doesn't ruin a game, you rlike many other people who are afraid of a little change, so you flee when you see them. I'm glad your gone if you leave due to a change in the game, that should not ruin your game play but it should heighten it. People who get bored with EL generally get bored of the saem thing over and over again, which is why i like the fact that EL is always Eternally changing. Makes me look forward to the next client updatge and makes me wanna play all the more. #edit typos lol? So I'm somehow a bad and unwanted person if I'm not like you? I just cannot understand change for change's sake. I'm not fleeing, I've recognized a chance to gather enough anger to get back to rl and enjoy it instead of wasting my time harvesting pixels. And sorry for coming back to respond, personal insults just are something I don't like for some mysterious reason.
  8. petition for attributes cap

    I would've voted 'no' but I don't think my vote matters. Anyway, this cap thingy is going to ruin the game for me and thus I'm quitting. No need to ensure my quitting, because it already happened. I can't live and level in constant fear that the next day everything changes (again) and all my hard work was for nothing. Playing games should be fun, EL isn't fun anymore. Oh well, this is going off topic, so I'll just shut up and be gone forever.
  9. Signature Practice :)

    Yes, a VERY happy customer indeed. Thanks a lot.
  10. Suomi Finland Perkele

    [spam] Heehee, postaan minäkin. Ihan vaan että viestimäärä kasvaa. [/spam]
  11. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Luultavasti minuukin tullaan näkemään PK serverillä, vaikkakaan en siellä aio päätoimisesti hengailla. Onpahan mukavaa vaihtelua, sitä paitsi miun ja Duggien ultimate plan on pakko kokeilla.
  12. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Höm, aloinpa tuntea itseni yhtäkkiä tosi arvostetuksi... Porkkanan kilohinta on keskimäärin 0,25 - 0,45 euroa (lähde: Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus).
  13. Suomi Finland Perkele

    looooooool Joo, oikeestaan voisin ostaa Miiksin, ettei tarttis omaa mainetta liata kuolemalla PK:ssa. Eikä miun varmaan mitään tartte maksaa, kun hommaan jo sen basson joululahjaks...
  14. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Miiks-poika se tais kirjotella väsyneenä, kyn näkyy lipsahtaneen kaks nollaa liikaa. Onnea kuitenkin ostajan etsintään.
  15. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Hyvää matkaa sitten vaan. Itse pysyn tällä serverillä kun en PKta muutenkaan harrasta, Duggi saattanee PK serverille eksyäkin.
  16. Suomi Finland Perkele

    No onko meitä ny enää ketään jäljellä? Minä, Dug, Visvate...kuka muu tunnustaa? Lopettaneiden lista ainakin on pitkä kuin nälkävuosi.
  17. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Ette te minustakaan eroon niin vaan pääse.
  18. Wikipedia thing :)

    Well I hope I got it right. 1. What do u fear? - Nathan McHugh 2. What would u take with u to desolate island? - plastic hinge 3. What do u want for wedding present? - just gets worse 4. What do u adore? - Product Recall (the Office) 5. Your secret fetish? - aglaia foveolata 6. What u dream about next night? - Breuna 7. what would u buy if u had enough money? - Black Comedy/White Lies 8. Of what topic would u write a book? - Benin 9.What do u collect? - National Board of Review Awards 1951 10. What's your best memory? - Buick Gran Sport 11. The most useless thing u know? - Ladytron 12. What topic do u talk about most preferably? - Hannah Connell Barker (1846-1918) 13. With what topic u will work in your coming career? - Krishna canal 14. What makes u laugh always? - Princess consort 15. And what makes u cry? - Garden party 16. What was first thing u saw when u woke up? - Long Wharf (Boston) 17. What do u have in pocket? - Sagñay, Camarines Sur 18. What could replace u without anyone notices? - The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit 19. What was your first word? - Polish rail border crossings 20. With what will u be buried? - East Jordan, Michigan 21. What do u have on night stands case? - Millstream-Chichester National Park 22. What do u love most in the world? - Friedrichshain 23. What do u see in window atm? - William H. Quillian 24. Of what subject would u write a song for Eurovision song contest? (European song contest \o/) - Small Cajal body-specific RNA 25. What u really are? - Symphony No. 4 (Tippett)
  19. Mortos Challenge

    Thank you for the great contest! I have absolutely no bad things to say about it. And as we saw, it does not take any great armour to make the audience happy and to get you some respect, that was proven by some loner there. Still, nice job [NL] and Ca$h.
  20. Gnomes

    Why on earth would anyone like to eat gnomes? And anyway, we gnomes are the intellect, we rule the other races. So keep your hairy hands off me!
  21. Umh, some of you really need a life. My biggest project... prolly harving 100k cotton and turning it into thread. Im not into really big projects, those take some patience.
  22. Yup, I'd like to buy one of those books, pleeeasee. I pay, I'm ok, extra hug also provided. Cheers, Caratia
  23. EMP weapon

    Ugh, god I'm happy I don't PK. But I feel sorry for you guys. And why don't I PK? It would take all my time to get those expensive armours and weapons, without I wouldn't have any chance against anyone, even with same lvls that I have. And now even more chance to lose those armours and weapons etc just like that? I would love to have PK as simple as possible, no rosts, no summons etc. But what do I know... Voted no, btw.
  24. SRS

    Uhhh, sick. I've made only ~30k SRs this far.
  25. Postcrossing

    Anyone tried postcrossing? A very interesting hobby, imo, and won't take much of your precious EL playing time. Check it out: Postcrossing