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Everything posted by Szatan

  1. Harvest Medallion statistics

    I mined ~4k iron ore and it has been destroyed. Got only 150 gc. Also 3 walls and teleport destroyed it.
  2. Invading Curses

  3. Invading Curses

    So? We want to win it. And there is no rule which says someth about it. You could ask one/two of us before to join your team, no?
  4. Polska - Poland

    Kaito idź udoskonal swoją technike bo badziewna już jest =)
  5. Invading Curses

    I don't see any rule which says some high lvl can't be in 1 team @.@
  6. No rostogol stone day

    How much for no grief ?
  7. Why my IP ?

    Also Slither's IP was banned today @-@
  8. Bears

    Just use all your mana then you can hunt them for hours
  9. Hello - Server Problems

    Hmm works fine for me. Ping 50, no mr grue
  10. Do Fluf Still Drop NMT?

    Sometimes even cheaper :> I sold last days 2 nmt cloaks. 40k and 100k ------- I think you are unlucky. Since some time i get nmt each 500-1,5k yeti Before lol like 1 nmt each 3-4k yetis :X I know guy who got nmts each ~2k flufs but before 1st he killed like 6-7k.
  11. buying

    I am interested to buy: -> diamonds (min trade 1k) -> beaver furs -> deer furs -> bear furs If you are willing to sell me some of them, post your ingame nick and what do have for sell. I will try to catch you in game and we can make a deal.
  12. Why dont people PK anymore?

    Why? I know some ebul pkers who wears stuff for like 1m gc and go to pk maps w/o rostos...but there are not so many brave (or stupid?) people
  13. PK Contest Preparations

    You can use my 2nd guild for it (slay), contact with me ingame ;]
  14. Polska - Poland

    Małpa \o/
  15. Why dont people PK anymore?

    <-------------- Too busy with killing yeti's/pvp After 2-3 runs i am too tired to go pk. Also i alch/pot a lot last days, it gives me much more profit than pk maps.
  16. Polska - Poland

    Tia :>
  17. Polska - Poland

    Podoba się nowy avek ? :>
  18. Polska - Poland

    cenzura .. permanentna inwigilacja!
  19. Polska - Poland

    Jakie sm0cze siggy
  20. harvest of sorrows

    Great perk for ebul harvesters like me
  21. Polska - Poland

    Zapomniałem .. gratulacje dla PK sm0ka za PK ocene \o/ Pewnien **k mi powiedzial
  22. Polska - Poland

    Jeszcze wszystkich PK sm0k spekuje i co ;*( Gildia opustoszeje a shark bedzie miał fri st00f
  23. Polska - Poland

    Na #gm *GF* jest zajebiście ;*D Cały czas jaja na całego, ze sobie nawet yeti zabić nie można gdyż nie sposób oderwać oczu od #gm'ek^^