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About BopoH

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  1. Hi there , i didn't play some month and upgraded to v 1.7 from 1.5 (just by removing files from /usr/share/games/eternal-lands and copieng new ones from archive) Execution: >el.x86_64.linux.bin I/O warning : failed to load external entity "sound/sound_config.xml" setting area 0 at 96.000000,96.000000 with radius 100000.000000 setting area 0 at 96.000000,96.000000 with radius 100000.000000 Segmentation fault --------- last 3 lines happened after clicking to magic short-cut panel at the right.
  2. Auction: Animal NEXUS Removal Stone

    You do have choice to start at 400kgc or not bid. I suggest your post as a price dictating and spamming. You still can try to get the stone on market or wait for another auction. So please remove your post.
  3. This is an auction for an "animal nexus removal stone". Auction ends on 23.06.2007 at 00:00 CET (Central European Time) Bids starting at 400kgc. Bid step is +25kgc. You can buy the stone for 1 000 000 gc immediately. Please post your bids here.
  4. Auction!

    15kgc ea.
  5. Banned :(

    Pattern for macroing ? i do not understand what is it. you mean i made alching in some regularly repeated way ? How could it be done different ? It is stupid procedure you set in your bag an amount of things you have to take, you click on things, click on ">>" , you eat FP eventually. Only speed-up you have it is eating FP because its in a quick-access-bar in the HUD and accessible over Ctrl-N, in my case i put always SRs and FPs in 1st position. click on ">>" so many times till you have no more food level. And the ">>" button that makes automixing - why this feature is there if it is forbidden? i have 520 EMU in my bag, that makes 15 FP + 111 silver + 222 sunflowers and 1 empty EMU. Or you have 74 iron + 74 silver + 74 flowers for EE and no space left. So i used 70 ore +70 silver +70 flowers and 5 FP + 5 EMU empty. I set the numbers in the bag to get things faster out of storage. Is it forbidden ? Or you wondering that i can count ??? Or what ? God ! Im innocent ! You cant make me guilty because you count me stupid. there is macros integrated in the game. Why it is integrated ???Edited: Ctrl-N where N is position in quick-access-bar or whatever you call it.
  6. Banned :(

    Hi Radu, I just afked for 2 mins to replace the chair. At this moment it could not be any interactions with game, because i was moving one chair aside and tried to bring bigger one. I've got blood pressure higher today, not went to the job, wanted to make my day comfortable. When i came back i have seen the rules on display. After accept - no connection allowed anymore. I did not macrosed ! I did not macrosed ever ;( I use Linux ! Gentoo ! Not windows !!! You want to get access to my system ? i'll give it ! How could i macros ??? I do not know how to prove my innocence I just made for 2-3 hours about 300-400 EE, and about 600-900 LE. I do not remember exactly. You can check it. i talked to my guild i was asking pc for EE on market, and made offer of selling LE and ELE. One guy talked with me about the deal. however he was on C1 i was on C2 and his price was only 4gc for LE, so i said i do not move my self for that price. But i had to buy silver anyway, so i said him i'll be in C1 in 2-3 hours.. The guys nick started with v and had some numbers ad the end of nick. Please check the logs to prove it Please !!!! Edited: I made probably more EEs because i wanted to have 1k for my needs (teleport) so that should be about 1000-1200 EE in my storage. so it is about 500-600 EE. And LE is about 1600-2000. I do not count it exactly when i do them. i just know how many ingredients and FP fit to my bag. put them click on ">>" and wait till its finished. I do active alching in about 2 weeks now and got alching to level 38 today without macrosing i had already alching about 23-29 before criss mass. so those results are not wondering
  7. Banned :(

    I have been banned some minutes ago by Learner. He says that server logs prove that my client cheated. I don't know how it is possible. I just alched and talked to @guild channel. Made some posts in Market channel. And it can't be a cheated or modified client. Yes i took the client from CVS because i have 64-bit Gentoo. and 32-bit version is slow. I took ELC_1_3_3 (if i remember the tag correctly) tagged version and changed optimization in makefile.conf so: PLATFORM= -O3 -march=k8 -mtune=athlon64 -msse2 -pthread and FEATURES=PNG_SCREENSHOT NEW_FRUSTUM BUG_FIX_3D_OBJECTS_MIN_MAX NEW_TEX OPTIONS_I18N ATI_9200_FIX NEW_ACTOR_ANIMATION AUTO_UPDATE COUNTERS FONTS_FIX COMMENT_BUFFER AFK_FIX CUSTOM_LOOK CUSTOM_UPDATE SIMPLE_LOD SFX USE_ACTOR_DEFAULTS NOTEPAD USE_INLINE in Makefile.linux i added -lalut in LDFLAGS because it was not compiling without this. that all changes i had ! the client it self is not modified ! How can i proove it ??? Edited: Just come to my head. I had following before Learner banned me: I wanted to type #lc 3, nothing appeared on the screen, i made it 3 times, then i got message Disconnected from Server, Press Alt-x. I had no chance to press Alt-X because client has connected again. I believe it is because my router had reconnect (i have dynamic IP and provider changes couple of times per day) Could it be, that i got new IP that was used before and related to cheats about Learner talked ???? So once again: i did not use any custom clients. I wish to back to the game, however i have no idea how can i prove that i have no cheated ! Please respond me. Learner says he do not believe me, however i even do not know how do i prove the things !
  8. Freya bot problem

    Why not to use better hash function at server side ? Server do not compare strings, right ? I'd personally store hashes of strings those will be compared often. Case sensitivity is not a problem though, you do the string case insensitive and then make a hash from it , after that you store the hash and string together. On comparisons hash-table will be looked through (RB-tree algorithm is a good choice for that), on data-exchange - strings can be provided if required. One simple and good hash-function is provided by gcc compiler too. this func can be found in g++*/ext/hash_fun.h header. Here is a its source code: inline size_t __stl_hash_string(const char* __s) { unsigned long __h = 0; for (; *__s; ++__s) __h = 5*__h + *__s; return size_t(__h); }
  9. This i found in sources right now: str[0]=LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM; str[1]=item_list[pos].pos; my_tcp_send(my_socket,str,2); I do the things similar to the above - like described in wiki (http://wiki.beplacid.com/EL_Protocol). LOL ! I found it right in this second - my_tcp_send adds data - length ! Thanks a lot ttlanhil ! I'll correct the code after i back from job.
  10. Sure. I just have no idea in which part
  11. Hi there, I started to make my own tradebot, spend couple of hours for coding and got it connected to test server ... And just stuck in the part of "how to get item names". There is no any list with item_ids and associated names available. So i decided to use LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM protocol message. (description of that can be found here http://wiki.beplacid.com/EL_Protocol#LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM) Unfortunately server shutdowns connection gracefully if i send such message. There is only 2 bytes in this message - {LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM, Position_of_item_in_the_inventory} ... is this kind of protocol message forbidden ? Are there some prerequisites available ? Is there some protocol flow description available ? I ran out of ideas, any help would be appreciated.