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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About jammie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/17/1992

Contact Methods

  • MSN
  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Location
    England Doncaster
  1. Expiring bots

    Tayama Yearly bot fee 4PH90701K10749509
  2. Bot expiration

    Tayama bot payed for 82S703831C920521R
  3. Bot payments

    Tayama Paid for 5SC04964DT5046215
  4. Bot expiration

    tayama paid 84828183U8118652Y
  5. Selling storage

    Life esse/ nobel/ inva token/ wtf/ srs/ drop me a message in game to discuss price's
  6. Expiring bots

    tayama payed 0HG38370C96449616 payed on 21st of december
  7. All hydro route to be PK?

    Love the idea aslong as the hydro cave is still non pk:)
  8. Expiring bots

    Tayama paid 5PM1906762499070A I am the new owner of the bot. Jammie
  9. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    hi can i order 20k of roses and 20k of bluequatz
  10. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Please can i order 50k of Blue Quartz please 100kgc Jammie
  11. Selling my sto...

    Ill take white tiger furs
  12. Sign up for "advanced" instances

    Play week nights low 90s a/d nice pps in build well geared Pm me
  13. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    20k of Blue Quartz please 40k jammie
  14. I Summoned

    Nice one
  15. EdNovel and PrincssTitanium to Marry

    Good job ed