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Everything posted by Bleuren

  1. Black Shirt

    There is this greenish line running through everyone who has a black shirt, I dont' know if it's just my mesh or if anyone else notices it, but, I think it's a mesh bug.
  2. Kill the post above

    me attempting to PWN radu
  3. Three word story

    giggidy giggidy goo!
  4. Guess the player name!

  5. Legends Guild is no longer

    I just fear the spam of the members who are not guildless
  6. Legends Guild is no longer

    Yea, thinking about it, I did make some wrong moves, but, I have to live with them.
  7. Party For August People

    Nov. 7th 1991
  8. Things i put up with :)..

    lolzzz... it shows the bad in people
  9. Sig and Avvy

    ghod you people.... I am going to do what should have been done a long time ago *Blows acelon away* w00terz! now I win!
  10. Three word story

    which was sheesh
  11. exp quests

    Good idea, but the quests should give out like 100kxp tops
  12. Crown of Hunger

    It would be a waste of money.
  13. Most likely to...

    Ok I answered some I didn't know how to so I left blank I hope it's okay to pick myself for one
  14. SNL - Spelling Bee

    This is my most favorite sketch on SNL (Saturday Night Live) featuring will forte in "spelling bee" Watch it funny http://www.vimeo.com/clip:29519
  15. Better Siggy Making :D

    Mmkay, for siggy, you can look at 3 examples below, or you can order custom, just put what colors you want in it, what you want it to kinda look like.. and how you want your name in it Acid: You can order acid, but it doesn't have to have this pattern, it can have any color you want liquid metal: any color you want Globby: (I used this one for my siggy, also meee fav) Ok, it's for free, but if you sweet I can accept donations hehe, I don't do avvy's very well sorry
  16. Max12

    Us Scottishmen are NOT afraid!!
  17. Server issues?

    I have 1.3.1 I have no connection problems, it's your computer
  18. dysfuntional market system

    think about it next time you spend an hour in the market channel hopelessly trying to sell somthing -_- I think about that everytime I sell something.
  19. dysfuntional market system

    Stop fighting and go alch btw, you spelt disfunctional wrong
  20. Better Siggy Making :D

    in the case of mine possibly being better, here it is anyway
  21. Sig and Avvy

  22. Better Siggy Making :D

    I use Correl and here is a purdy one for you
  23. Three word story

    which had a
  24. I don't know what's going on... [SOLVED]

    Try also setting it to 1024X769 32