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About marco.link

  • Rank
    White Rabbit
  • Birthday 12/30/1980

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • ICQ

Profile Information

  • Location
    Germany, NRW, Essen
  1. Trying to create a bot

    Oh, sorry. I have send an email to the Leader, but forgot to attach the sourcecode. I have send it to you and the Leader now. Fave fun with it. Here is the link to the sourcecode! But read the disclaimer given!
  2. Using 24 bpp bitmaps for maps

    Yeah, I would implement PNGs for the given reasons. Think on what you can do with it: - have compressed pictures, in 8bit and/or 24bit+8bit alpha - all 8bit pics could be converted to 24bit for photorealistic colors (or better be replaced, i think of free photo-textures available in the internet ) - you could use the alpha-channel to define custom transparency e.g. for crystals (or even other effects, like shininess) - and even more i might havent thought at yet
  3. Problem typing @ [SOLVED]

    Huuuurrraaaayy! \0/ I fixed the problem. It was just the wrong keyboard-type in Gnome I needed to switch the keyboard-type to 105 not 104. S O R R Y - F O R - T H I S - S T U P I D - P R O B L E M But thanks for your fast answers.
  4. Problem typing @ [SOLVED]

    Hail you. I got a very special problem (I suppose): I can not type @ in the EL-Client to chat, still getting q instead, while pressing <alt gr>+<q>. I am pasting it to ELC using <strg>+<q> at the moment. I am using ubuntu-linux, running gnome with a german-keyboard. It works in the consoles (F1 to F6) and in the Gnome-Terminal. Anyone got an idea? This is my xorg.conf (extraction with the keyboard-settings): Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Generic Keyboard" Driver "kbd" Option "CoreKeyboard" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" Option "XkbLayout" "de" # Option "XkbOptions" "altwin:meta_win" Option "XkbVariant" "deadkeys" EndSection I configured gnome to use the German-Keyboard (Using System->Settings->Keyboard): Generic 104 PC (German-Layout). Anyone got an idea what to do? BTW: Wrote this posting in ubuntu-linux using gnome!
  5. Trying to create a bot

    Oops. That was quick reply Ok. I will attach them here later (if I'm allowed!?).
  6. Trying to create a bot

    Oh, hi. You wanna use my bot? It has grown up a little, got more features and is build very modular. If you want it, you should send me an email and I will send you a simple bot I wrote in PHP (to use with PHP-CLI). It can receive commands per PM and send PMs itself. So you could work on it (not just from scratch) and modify it to your needs. BUT: I will not give any support on it !!! Never !!! So, if you really want to use it, you have to work on it for yourself! And as I am very busy at the moment, I will not give you any informations on how to modify it! And the more important: I will not modify it for you. You have to manage it yourself! Greetings. EDIT: I forgot to remind, that you should not expect some comments in that code!
  7. Ethereal-bar moves after mouse-move in knowledge-list

    Yeah... this is an issue in the current client, but appears to have been fixed in CVS. Jepp. Installed the latest ELC and its gone (Ubuntu! I dont use Windows for it anymore!)
  8. Should there be a Player Ranking for GC?

    I voted NO, because it is not very important to see how much money the people have. Most people have more items than money (like me). I think that profiling with money is not very usefull for the game itself. But I dont like profiling anyway (on all things). I play that game for fun and not for showing others how much I can do or not.
  9. Hello there. I found a bug in the Windows-Version of the EL-Client 1.2.0 beta. Here is the description: If I open up my knowledge-list and scroll down beyond the last entries and then move my mouse to the lower left corner of the list, the ethereal-bar moves and overlaps the health-bar. Here is a picture of it: It goes normal again, after opening the console.
  10. thank you EL

    Yes. I want to say "T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H ! ! !" also. I like the kind of freedom you have in the game. The most I ever found (until now). What the hell? I got that while replying: ss->vars['etfilter_punct']) { $title = preg_replace( "/\?{1,}/" , "?" , $title ); $title = preg_replace( "/(!){1,}/" , "!", $title ); } if ($this->ipsclass->vars['etfilter_shout']) { $title = ucwords(strtolower($title)); } return $title; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // QUOTIN' DA' POSTAY IN DO HoooD' /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function check_multi_quote() { $raw_post = ''; if ( ! $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] ) { $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] = $this->ipsclass->my_getcookie('mqtids'); if ($this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] == ",") { $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] = ""; } } else { //----------------------------------------- // Came from reply button //----------------------------------------- $this->ipsclass->input['parent_id'] = $this->ipsclass->input['qpid']; } $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] = preg_replace( "/[^,\d]/", "", trim($this->ipsclass->input['qpid']) ); if ( $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'] ) { $this->ipsclass->my_setcookie('mqtids', ',', 0); $this->quoted_pids = preg_split( '/,/', $this->ipsclass->input['qpid'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //----------------------------------------- // Get the posts from the DB and ensure we have // suitable read permissions to quote them //----------------------------------------- if ( count($this->quoted_pids) ) { $this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( 'post_get_quoted', array( 'quoted_pids' => $this->quoted_pids ) ); $this->ipsclass->DB->cache_exec_query(); while ( $tp = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() ) { if ( $this->ipsclass->check_perms( $this->ipsclass->forums->forum_by_id[ $tp['forum_id'] ]['read_perms']) == TRUE ) { if ( $this->han_editor->method == 'rte' ) { $tmp_post = $this->parser->convert_ipb_html_to_html( $tp['post'] ); } else { $tmp_post = trim( $this->parser->pre_edit_parse( $tp['post'] ) ); } if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['strip_quotes'] ) { $tmp_post = $this->_recursive_kill_quotes( $tmp_post ); $tmp_post = preg_replace( "#(?:\n|\r|\r\n){3,}#s", "\n", trim($tmp_post) ); } $extra = ""; if ( $tmp_post ) { $raw_post .= "[quote name='".$this->parser->make_quote_safe($tp['author_name'])."' date='".$this->parser->make_quote_safe($this->ipsclass->get_date( $tp['post_date'], 'LONG', 1 ))."' post='".$tp['pid']."']\n$tmp_post\n".$extra.'[/quote]'."\n\n\n"; } } } $raw_post = trim($raw_post)."\n"; } } //----------------------------------------- // Make raw POST safe for the text area //----------------------------------------- $raw_post .= $this->ipsclass->txt_raw2form($_POST['Post']); return $raw_post; } /** * Cheap and probably nasty way of killing quotes * */ function _recursive_kill_quotes( $t ) { if ( preg_match( "#\[quote#is", $t ) ) { $t = preg_replace( "#\[QUOTE([^\]]+?)?\](.+?)\[/QUOTE\]#is", "", $t ); $t = $this->_recursive_kill_quotes( $t ); } # Remove any extra closing quote tags return preg_replace( "#\[/quote\]#si", "", $t ); } function smilie_alpha_sort($a, $b) { return strcmp( $a['typed'], $b['typed'] ); } } ?>
  11. Eternal Lands Banner for Fansites/Guildsites

    Thx alot for that short, but important info. It makes the life easier (I played a little with photoshop to seperate that text from the openscreen to put it onto another background. Very boring work. )
  12. Eternal Lands Banner for Fansites/Guildsites

    Ok. Here is my first banner to use in advertisements. This is royality free to use and modify it I will post some in future, if I create them.
  13. Eternal Lands Banner for Fansites/Guildsites

    Ok. I will create one and post it to here. Or shall I make a new topic called "Banner Contest"?
  14. Eternal Lands Banner for Fansites/Guildsites

    It is just an idea, so I am prepared for a no But asking does not cost money (at the moment ) and who not asks will not get answers
  15. Eternal Lands Banner for Fansites/Guildsites

    Ok, I will do. And btw it could be nice to introduce a banner-contest. I think there are some people outside playing this game who have great talents to create some very nice banners and logos for use in advertisements