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About The_Watchman

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  1. Thanksgiving Event

    Cancelled due to lack of interest.
  2. Thanksgiving Event

    This Thursday November 22, 2007 at 8:00 pm Central standard time, we will be putting on the first annual Thanksgiving Festival in Eternal Lands history. The Festival will take place at the Whitestone Meeting Hall, message me if you need clarification on where it is, and will be complete with games and prizes including a scavanger hunt, a treasure hunt, and a lottery. Contests will also be held for new players for much needed items such as armor weapons etc. Also it will be a time to get to know other eternal lands players and hopefully you'll come out of it with some new friends. Thank you.
  3. The Awakening

    The Watchman and Crato walked down a small dirt path in a forest that had a strage eerie feel to it. "I dont like this place, Crato said shivering." "Why is that my child asked The Watchman?" "I cant exactly explain it its weird its as if we are being watched." "Very perceptive of you, The Watchman said." As The Watchman finished his sentance a man leaped from the bushes scaring Crato. The man held a dull colored dagger and yelled,"Give me the boy!!!" The man had a very blank expression with a fire burning in his eyes. The Watchman then said to Crato,"He is a follower of Mortos." The man then charged at The Watchman stabbing toward his chest, but The Watchman pulled out a wooden staff blocked the shot spun around and hit the man in the head. Shocked the man tried to regain his footing. As he regained some of his composure the man went after the boy knocking him to the ground but then was pulled off by The Watchman. The Watchman then yelled to the man,"Look what your.... The man then turned round and yelled at The Watchman in a language that Crato could not understand,"The boy will be mine. Stop your one man crusade and follow me as you once did." "Never!!, The Watchman yelled, the first bit of emotion that Crato had seen from him." He then seemed to go into a blind furry hitting the man over and over with his staff faster then Crato could comprehend still laying against the earth. He then stopped and rested his staff on the ground precisly when he hit the ground. A bead of sweat fell from The Watchmans face. The mans body soon dissapeared and Crato was astonished. "Wha, where did he go, Crato said not believing everything that had just happened?" "He has gone to The Underworld, The Watchman said slightly panting." "The Underworld?" "Yes, theres a lot your mother has not told you. Like the fact that your father is not dead." "How do you know about my father, and who are you?" The Watchman chuckled,"In due time in due time, and then he started walking toward the sunrise."
  4. The Awakening

    At Crato's home his mother pulled him inside. "Tell me what have you really been doing Crato, said his mother, and where did you get that ragged man in the warn fur?" "Mom I told you, I was in the woods which I should have stayed out of in the first place... I was expploring the ruins in the northern part of the woods, and I was attacked by a Chimera." "Dont spit lies to me Crato!!" "But mom...." "But nothing!!! Now invite that man in he looks terrible tell him if he wants he can eat here tonight and sleep in the barn. "Yes mom...." The Watchman was standing, staring blankly into the woods. He then thought to himself, Mortos..... He has decided to come for the child. I cannot let him try to manipulate him as he did I. The mark on his neck was still apparent and it burned like it hadn't in ages. He has sent his followers for the boy. I must get him out of here before sunrise for if Mortos got a hold of him.... He would return.... I also sense there are other forces in play here, but that is not yet a threat. "Hey, Crato broke The Watchmans concentration." "Oh sorry, I was thinking about something." "My mom said you can come in for dinner mister and sleep in the barn tonight." "That would be most appreciated, thank you." "By the way mister, whats your name and how did you get that Chimera to back down?" "You can call me The Watchman my name is unimportant, and you will find out what happned there in due time." Crato thought to himself. This man is different then any man I have ever met. Theres something about him.... he makes me feel strange as if I know him....." The two then walked in and sat at the table. "Hello sir, said Crato's mother." "Hello, your son here is very lucky I happened apon him when i did. He was in a very dire situation..." "I was just going to ask you, Cratos mom interjected, so what exactly happened out there." "Your son was exploring the ruins of an ancient elven city and he was attacked by a Chimera. I ...." "He told me this, she interjected again, but I dont see how this is possible." "It is a complicated matter Auriza you will just have to trust me he is safe and that is all that matters." "How did you know my name, said Auriza in all most a whisper?" "The Watchman chuckled, if you do not mind I would like to finish my venison before I go into the details of why I am here, it is not an accident, it is fate."
  5. The Awakening

    ((Im sorry if it started bad its my firsts rp))
  6. The Awakening

    "Crato!!!" his mother yelled to him. Crato could not hear her though for he had gone into the forest as he was all ways told not to do because he could be attacked by the lone chimera that wandered the old woods. Crato was jumping from rock to rock across a stream trying to be careful not to fall in. As he climbed up the riverbank across the stream he thought he saw something moving through the bushes. Then he thought oh it must be the wind for he had been in this same situation many times before. He walked a small bit farther down the trail and happened apon the ruins of a once thriving town. He looked through all the ran down buildings like he did everytime he journeyed there. Then he heard a growl from behind him. There was the Chimera that he thought to not exist he picked up a stone and threw it at it but it stood there unphased. Then it started to approach him. He cowered and was screaming to every god he could think of. At this moment The Watchman entered sight of the boy and the Chimera. The boy had climbed onto a roof and was batting at the Chimera with a stick. The Chimera to intent on getting a quick meal on the boy did not hear The Watchman approach. The Watchman then said "Do not fear anything child, this beast will cause no harm to you." The Chimera then turned suddenly and started to charge The Watchman. In an old dead tongue The Watchman recited "Del Toris Bok." The Chimera imediatly stopped its charge and came whimpering to The Watchman. He then leaned over and pet the beast and said some other strange things and the Chimera was off. "So boy where are your parents do they know where you are, said The Watchman?" "No sir Im..... Im not supposed to be in the woods sir, said the boy." I'd better not tell him that he would just be reborn though his parents may shelter him... "Take me to your home son I havent had a good meal in 3 days." When they approached the stream the boy stated "Somethings not right." The Watchman then said what is it son. The boy then said," I dont know somethings different, its like something suddenly came over me that told me not to go back home."