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Everything posted by DogBreath

  1. I've noticed a lot of NPCs get little or no business (especially the armor/weapon npcs.) While I understand that this is because the player can usually make armor/weapons for cheaper than the npc sells them for, if there was a chance that the NPC might hand you a rare weapon, instead of the normal weapon, people might gamble away all their gold coins hoping for such (if the odds were right...) As I see it now, those NPCs do nothing (the PL smithy for example) does very little business, because of the reasons listed above. However, if a person knew they had a chance of getting a rare item from the armorer (like a sword of fire for an iron sword purchase, for example...) they might be willing to gamble. Of course the odds would need to favor the house, but like any slot machine, if you're the 'lucky' person, you can be the big winner.... This could apply to all shops too, so, you could get lucky and get an EFE from the magic shop, or whatever... This could be a 'huge' money sink imo.... Thoughts, faults? please provide your input... Thanks, DogBreath
  2. Random 'rare item' sales from npcs

    This would be the same as mixing, for the calculation of rare, so, you'd only get iron sword rares from iron sword purchases. Or, rare essences from essence purchases, etc...
  3. Server chooser GUI

    Hrm, how about a mini-app, or screen that loads before all of this starts up? All it does is read the server list (from the main el directory) and based on that decides what config directory to look in, and then launches the client? I realize I might be way off here, as I haven't really messed with the client code a lot, but it at least 'sounds' logical to me... lol
  4. Hi, I'm trying to get WITHDRAW_ITEM working, and based on what I can see in the WIKI/client it's supposed to be something like this: *((Uint8*)(str+0))=WITHDRAW_ITEM; *((Uint16*)(str+1))=length; *((Uint8*)(str+3))=storage_pos; *((Uint32*)(str+4))=quantity; Similar to DEPOSITE_ITEM: *((Uint8*)(str+0))=DEPOSITE_ITEM; *((Uint16*)(str+1))=length; *((Uint8*)(str+3))=inventory_pos;//Position in the items_list *((Uint32*)(str+4))=quantity; Deposit seems to work, but withdraw isn't... So, I went to look at the cheat sheet (the client code) and found something odd there: Uint8 str[6]; str[0]=DEPOSITE_ITEM;(1) str[1]=item_list[item_dragged].pos;(2) *((Uint32*)(str+2))=SDL_SwapLE32(item_quantity);(3-6) my_tcp_send(my_socket, str, 6); -------------------------------------------------------------- Uint8 str[100]; str[0]=WITHDRAW_ITEM; (1) *((Uint16*)(str+1))=SDL_SwapLE16(storage_items[storage_item_dragged].pos); (2-3) *((Uint32*)(str+3))=SDL_SwapLE32(item_quantity);(4-7) my_tcp_send(my_socket, str, 6); According to the wiki, these are supposed to be formatted the same (I realize the wiki could be out of date...) What seems odd is the withdraw seems to be using a 16 bit for the pos and the deposit an 8 bit. But what seems even more odd is it seems to be sending the same length message to the server yet deposit appears to have one less byte in it. Is the withdraw really supposed to have one more byte in it (16 bit pos instead of 8 bit?) If so, shouldn't it be passing a length of 7 with the message? Could anyone please help clear this up for me? Or at least let me know how far off base I am here? Thanks, DB (I assume this is working right because the byte swapping is leaving space at the end of the number and the server is accepting it because it's a valid number where it 'should' be (or maybe the client is adjusting the size before it acutally sends it based on the array?))
  5. Having trouble figuring out WITHDRAW_ITEM

    I agree. I think this should be 7 bytes not 6. I guess if the last byte is the MSB however, it wouldn't show as a bug as the client doesn't allow you to remove more than 9999 at a time (IIRC). It probably should still be changed next time someone's checking in the file however (items.c (line 826)). Just my 2c This is more about the slot than the quantity. Since inventory has a maximum of 42 (I think, off the top of my head) slots, and storage has a maximum of 300 slots (more than one byte can handle) if you're working with storage, you need to give a 'bigger' value for the slot if it's above 256 (well 255 since it's 0 based...) I did find out that it does't 'care' on the server side, as long as you tell it the right size of the data you're sending it (that was most of my problem, sending it 7 and telling it I was sending 6...) Ty for your input (yes, I agree, the client needs fixing to be consistant with what is really happening, it's working, but only because the array was decalred as 100 length in the withdraw function... this is an 'easy' workaround, but isn't very 'strong' imo...)
  6. Adopt a newbie program started

    It means: I want some of the stuff you are smoking. Anyway, let's not get offtopic here, k? Yes, you're right, back to the topic. All I really want is help in doing this right. Ty for your reply.
  7. Adopt a newbie program started

    .... WTF does this mean? You ban people for answers like these... I'm trying to help out here... I've offered to help with the bot, and I'm making a serious effort to help this program, please don't this way...
  8. Adopt a newbie program started

    Don't tell them that right away, duh! First help them a little and stuff, then after a day or two tell them. Duh isn't really necessary is it? I'm trying here... And of course, I didn't tell them right away, I said "at some point"... I'm just asking for tips, insults aren't necessary And, how do I know when it's the right time to tell them?
  9. Adopt a newbie program started

    Yes, I agree. I'm guess just not sure how to approach it. I'm trying, but failing, and hoping for suggestions how to approach it correctly. For example: hi "newbie" is there any way I can help you? (my opening) If they reply, I say to them "how might I best assist you?" and here's where it gets 'fuzzy'... They might be advanced, they might be a total newb, and based on their answer I try to adjust my approach. But, at some point you want to tell them, "hey, I'm trying to promote the "adopt a newbie program" "I want you to stay, and improve, the goal is level 50." At this point, it gets really fuzzy, to me. I'm not sure if they feel pressure, or feel inspired. Or worse, feel like I'm trying to scam them in some way. And, because there's nothing 'official' that they can verify me with, a 'scrappy' newbie would be very suspicious. MY newbie is 'very independant' at this point, I've provided him with some minor gcs, armor, hints on healing, etc... but now he doesn't want 'help.' So, did I do right, or... what?
  10. Bot that expired and that will expire this month.

    Yes, I intend to add a field to the database to let the bot owners enter the last time the paid, and give them an alert. However, there are still people who don't remember, and would like a place to verify this before they enter it. It would also be nice so they can have a place to validate it, in case they want to. But, I appreicate your suggestion. TY
  11. Adopt a newbie program started

    Well, I informed my 'charge' that I don't think he has to feel pressured to reach level 50, and told him that I would only help him if he wanted (and how he wanted the help.) I must admit that I take exception to your penis remark, as I'm trying to help out here, although I'm sure your basing it on your feedback. I haven't 'made' the newbie do anything. I've asked them what they wanted, and tried to aid them in that. However, the thought of them 'needing' (even though I've told him I don't want any prize...) to get to level 50 isn't my goal. My goal is helping them, no matter any prize (which I'd galdly donate to them...) I still think they feel pressured to reach some goal that may seem 'out of this world' to them... and the fact that this is so informal may lead them to believe that someone is trying to scam them. Ty for you input. My guild considers someone with 3 skills at 20 a "novice". It considers 2 skills at 15 and 1 skill at 20 a semi-newbie. I might be better if this was to help them become a "novice" as my guild would consider them. Perhaps you're right, maybe the idea of level '50' is too daunting. I think this could be part of the problem.
  12. Book of Ice Sword

    I'll bid 25k, but if you dont' schedule an end to the auction, I will not bid any more and will withdraw my bid.
  13. Adopt a newbie program started

    I've been having a frustrating time with this. For one, I'm trying to help with the bot, but not getting responses.... Secondly, I'm finding that this is adding extra pressure to the newbie, giving the opposite effect as desired. I've talked to some other people trying to do this and am finding similar results. Any suggestions? Any status on the 'formality' of this? I'm not ready to let this die, but as it's going, it's taking a nose dive, imo... Please provide any feedback you think could help. Thanks, DogBreath
  14. Bot that expired and that will expire this month.

    Is there some way we can improve this? I realize it's up to the bot owners to remember, and it's nice of you to send reminders. But, I must admit, after a year I forget too (I have to search emails, paypal, etc...) Is it possible to have a web page, or something, that keeps a complete list so people can check it on a regular basis? This might also reduce the number of times you have to remind people... Just a thought
  15. Mini Harv Events

    This would defeat the purpose of the events, I think. The gc harvesters would just invest in this and we'd be back to square one, no?
  16. Mini Harv Events

    I like the events but think they could be adjusted a bit. Something like: if you got normal harvesting exp on the last harvest, none of the new events on next harvest. This way people could harvest for experience without having lots of events, once the exp ran out (the 120 harvests are up) then the events kick in. This would still stop gold coin harvesters (IMO) yet let people get their harvesting exp.
  17. Adopt a newbie program started

    Found me a fellow named Hibird to mentor. PM from Hibird: Whoa, level 50? I'm in! lol
  18. Adopt a newbie program

    Maybe have a quiz newbies can take (and get a prize of course) from reading the FAQ's and newbie help Optional, and random (so one set of answers isn't going to work for every newbie.)
  19. Script needed to change all the maps.

    Very sweet, this would have taken me at least another day or two, lol. GL *crosses fingers too*
  20. Script needed to change all the maps.

    This looks awesome. I don't know enough about php to test it, tbh, but is is taking into consideration that the file names are taking up 80 characters each (no matter how long the name is in actuality?) This is to assure they're all at the correct displacement. If it is, great, sounds like you've got it already
  21. Script needed to change all the maps.

    Without souding overly stupid, let me see if I understand what you want here. A script/program what will modify the map binaries. It should read the map file, and when it gets to the 3d object section it should replace the file names for each of the objects with the new name(path) you want and write the binary file back out. And then you're wanting the new map files sent to your, or something? If so, I have a program stub I wrote that does half of this already (reads in the maps/objects...) It could probably be modified fairly quickly to do the swap/writing. I wrote it in c#, so if you're wanting to execute it on your side I'm not sure if that's helpful or not. If you'd like me to persue this, please let me know.
  22. Adopt a newbie program

    This doesn't sound too difficult, the bot could keep a list of mods it should pm (or could be tagged as a mod and send it to the mod channel, depending on how you wanted it.)
  23. Troggle, Google for trade bots

    I'm by no means trying to shoot your idea down, just considering the pros/cons of it. Polling once an hour isn't going to give up to date information, about the same as rraisa has now (instead I think she polls twice in 1.5 hours, once for buying once for selling.) Things can change a lot in that amount of time with a busy bot. I don't think rraisa is checking prices at all, just doing a match on the name you enter based on its polls and the data its gathered from the market channel (it hides numbers on request, but I don't think it cares what the numbers are...) I can't say I've verified your numbers, but yeah, polling only once an hour doesn't seem like it'd be too intensive as long as you didn't poll them all at once (of course.) The api solution is interesting, though I think it's been suggested before and many of the bot owners/programmers shot it down (not sure of all of the reasons why.) Perhaps there are other possible solutions too, I'll send you a pm and see what we can think up.
  24. Adopt a newbie program

    It might be nice to have two bots for this, in case one of them is abscent for some reason. I'm willing to provide that second bot. I can touch base with Greypal (and you) and see if we can collaborate on the code if you think this is a good idea to have two. My friends and I already do this type of mentoring and I'm sure will continue with this program, I'll pass the word on to them.
  25. Shaturas breaking EL Rules

    Unfortunately, this has always been an issue with bots (from as far back as I can recall.) I can remember many years ago bots getting scammed and people having to adjust to fix them, it's a sad truth of owing a bot that you have to be on your toes all the time against such a thing. Truth be told, the goal of bot programmers is two-fold, one: to provide a well functioning bot that does what you want it to; two: to write code that cannot be abused in such a way that it makes you lose your hard earned coins. Bot owners must always be vigilant in policing this and asking their programmer to fix things as quickly as they can be found as well as updating their versions of the code when it's fixed. There are several bot services offered, some paid, some for free that keep a nearly constant eye on the bots and would take all bots down on their service if such an exploit was found (until it was fixed.) I suggest you research some of these services and see what might fit your needs best. Often this is a better option then running your own version of the code as there are many eyes watching it at the same time and problems are found/fixed before they can get abused. I'm sorry for your hard lesson, it does suck that someone would stoop so low as to use exploits as their way around hard work.