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Posts posted by caladina

  1. I dont have a phone capable of running el atm but i have been using the android version on my 10inch tablet since it came out,  mostly as a companion device for when i away from mac


    looking at the game from a phone point of view and regarding the launch on G'play store i wondering if it would do better if there was a phone version for screens smaller than 8 inch as well as the current version for 8 inch over.


    in my opinion i think the control system for phone version would be better with two on screen thumb toggles left side for camera control right side for char movement or vise versa





  2. i killed all three novac dragons with solo mellee, i had offers of help but i wanted to use it as a mark of where the char was at (Harlquin_Knight)  if i wanted to range then i would have finished novac a few years ago, the ice dragon took 149 restores, so yes the one was not one i would want to do over and over again.

    as for the fight perks yes i have eva, mirror, fatal man and i forgot to turn glow on !!

    p/c is 40/40 a/d was117/121 at the time so a tad under 120's

    yes it is a pure fighter build not an alrounder



  3. Yes i have read a bit about guild maps in general,  the info i looking for is 'how to open the box' type of thing as i seen there is alot of info after you have got the stuff open infront of you

    i have also posted in the relevent place (map making so this can be deleted)

    Thank you for your help Revi




  4. Looking into making a guild map, i see alot of info once started, my question is where do i start

    atm i only have use of a mac book pro , or pixel c tablet on android, do i need a PC to map make?

    Do i need to down load any programs to map make?

    Which files / programs in el folder do i need to find to open/start

    Last time i did any programming was in the late 80's when it was all peeks and pokes, so i guess things have moved on a bit since then.

    appologies for the Q's if they are frustratinlgy noobish but i would like to give it a crack




  5. personally i'd leave maps and rules alone and add the bomb defense perk as mentioned in game.


    if this is just because players find it hard get to hydro i think you have already gone out your way to make other options, tokens, rings etc


    then there is the consequence of making it easier for already high end players getting hydro, faster pp gains maxing out pp, which is the only goal apart from a couple of quests which are usually allowed.

  6. fighter, potter/crafter , alrounder for manufacturing and two harvesting mules and a runner


    you dont need multiply chars to enjoy el, having different type of character means you can do different things depending how you feel, some days i dont feel like monster mashing, some days i dont feel like harving for long periods

  7. Some alts are shared so it would be hard.

    there are people who play several characters as regular ones so limiting them might not be great, limiting un used ones would be very good


    As for the testing char, i do have one i use for testing el client on different devices while not at home, it would fall under the hammer of an unused char as its not going to be built up.


    I am still using it to test devices and show people EL and it is still being used for a good reason, i have it because i dont want to log any of my main characters on to devices that are not mine or in shops as demos.


    Radu i have asked a couple of times if my tester char can be kept as it falls out side some rules and not had a reply in game, name of char is eltester

  8. (edit n/a already exists see reply below)


    Where you can ctrl + right click on item in item list recipe we can delete or alter quantity, can we have option to add an item to that recipe, either through there or through the right click on recipe name

    that saves having to remake the whole recipe again


    either the recipe might be a long one to remake or the recipe may be a break quest list where you dont have all the parts currently for the list but want to add them later,

  9. As i know of only one joker spawn, and often do dailies with two characters at a time it is possible to accidentally go afk on a spawn i dont know about

    how are the rules interpreted for that?

    and how does a mod ask you if you are spawn watching without spoiling you to a spawn location?


    considering the one joker spawn i know is within sight of a place i afk my hunting mule while other is working, i now move out of sight of that spot just because
