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About Akmu

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  1. Suomi Finland Perkele

    No onhan täällä näköjään... itse epäilinkin tuota jo pari viikkoa sitten ku alotin
  2. so is there somewhere in game any shop where i can sell quartz? and if there is not...what i can do quartz?
  3. i'm sorry but i'm from finland and i'm not good at english...so i hav to pay for change my clothes in game? like different color short? or create new charcter?
  4. can i chage it and if i can how? where?
  5. no it wouldn't. the skill is above the names same as before. if you want to be able to see the skill it's for more easily, then have the skill name highlighted and repeated every 10-20 lines(that's without getting fancy like coloured table backgrounds, name of the skill running continuously down the side of the table, etc) well then there could be "links" to overall etc. (there top of the page) like this: Attack | Defense | Magic | Potion | Manufacture | Crafting | Summoning | Alchemy | Harvest | Overall and when you click then it go to that position/spot
  6. stats/top 50 topics are now vertical...but i thank that would be better ihf th were horizontal... exsample (now those are like this): Top 50 Attack | Top 50 Defense Name Name Name Name Name Name Top 50 Magic | Top 50 Potion Name Name Name Name Name Name exsample (for horizontal): Top 50 Attack | Top 50 Defense | Top 50 Magic | Top 50 Potion | etc. Name Name Name Name etc. it would be easyer to find exsample top 50 of overall etc.